By default, there is a 10MB limit on the transformation of the XML results file to ensure the report is rendered in a timely fashion in your web browser. Transformations on results files over the 10MB limit take longer and may cause your web browser to appear to hang, therefore, when you run a policy which produces a large number of results, the Policy results report displays only a summary of matching data. When the XML file is less than 10MB, a full list of messages is displayed in the report. You can modify the transformation limit so that all matching messages are listed in full in the report.
To modify the maximum size limit,
- On the Archive server, type services.msc in the Start Search box, and press Enter .
- In the Services window, right-click ArchiveOne Service, and click Stop.
- Run regedit to open the Registry Editor.
- Browse to the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AOnePolService\Parameters
- Create a new DWORD called XMLFileSizeLimit . The value of this key is the size limit in bytes for generating reports. By default the value is 10485760 (10MB). Increment the value as required.
- Close the Registry Editor.
- Open the Microsoft Services console (services.msc) and restart ArchiveOne Service.
The report generates in full up to the new maximum file limit.