This article refers to Barracuda ArchiveOne version 6.6.0 or higher.
You can skip file attachments that do not have iFilters. The Filter Service attempts to generate a keyword search for all attachments, however, items such as social media images in most signatures have no appropriate iFilter. ArchiveOne by design doesn't attempt to filter any of the following attachment types as there is no ifilter for these:
- .jpeg
- .jpg
- .tiff
- .tif
- .gif
- .bmp
- .png
- .exe
- .dll
- .ico
- .tga
These exceptions are hardcoded. The ArchiveOne service next considers skipping any extensions named in the ZIPMakerFilterExcludedExtensions setting. Finally, when trying to filter an attachment and the filter API returns that there is no suitable filter for either 32- or 64-bit, this extension is added to an in-memory list and skipped next time it is in encountered within the archiving run. This in-memory lists only persists for that archiving run and is then cleared.
By not filtering certain file types, you may see a performance improvement. You can set these manually as follows:
ArchiveOne Version 7.3 and Higher
- In Active Directory (AD), change the existing security group name to the new desired name.
- On the Archive Server, browse to the local configuration store in C:\ProgramData\Barracuda\ArchiveOne\LocalConfigurationStore.
- Open the Service.ini in a text editor such as Notepad.
- Update the line ZIPMakerFilterExcludedExtensions=bin with each additional file extension you wish to exlude e.g. ZIPMakerFilterExcludedExtensions=bin,mp3,iso,exe.
- Save and close the file.
ArchiveOne Version 7.2 and Earlier
- Run regedit to open the Registry Editor.
- Browse to the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\AOnePolService\Parameters
Right-click the string value ZIPMakerFilterExcludedExtensions, and select Modify.
Separate each additional file extension you wish to exclude from filtering by a comma. For example, type:
bin,jpg,jpeg,bmp,pngClose the Registry Editor.
Open the Microsoft Services console (services.msc). Right-click ArchiveOne Service, and click Restart to affect the configuration change.
Sample Extensions without an iFilter