This article refers to the Barracuda ArchiveOne Enterprise and Express version 5.8 and higher.
You can retrieve messages from the archive to a PST to distribute to another user or third-party by running an archive search from the ArchiveOne Admin console.
To retrieve search results to a PST file,
- Open the ArchiveOne Admin Console, and click the Archive Searches node.
Right-click the search you wish to run, and click Run.
- Once the search is complete, click View summary, and click OK to view the search results.
- Right-click in the Search Results pane, and click Change Retrieval Location.
Select Pub results into a PST, and enter a name for the PST file.
- Click OK to save the configuration.
- Select and right-click the messages for retrieval, and click Retrieve Message.
The messages are retrieved to the named PST file in the AOnePol_PST_for_retrievals shared folder.