This article refers to the Barracuda ArchiveOne for Files version 7.2.0 and higher.
See Repositories Node for additional information.
Archived data is stored a repository which is composed of:
- Archive Data – Original data uploaded by the Agent as well as metadata that describes the data
- Index Data – Fully searchable content of the original archive data and the metadata
You can have one or multiple repositories, and can contain data uploaded from multiple File Agents even if the File Agents process different types of data. A repository can manage disparate data sources in a unified and consistent way.
Repositories are created through the Management Console, and indicate where on your file system associated data is to be stored. Data is written to two distinct directories defined when you create a new repository. One directory contains the archived data in a series of .zip files containing the original data and metadata, and the other directory contains the individual index files. Note that files are stored as flat files and not a database, simplifying data backup. Any standard backup software can be used to back up a repository.
When a policy is run, archive and index data is written to the repository and is then considered sealed and no further modification is made to that particular set of data unless specifically purged through the Recycle Bin Node. In other words, even if the same set of data is rewritten to the repository via a File Agent executing a policy, the previous version is preserved and never overwritten. This is important for compliance-driven environments.