This article refers to the Barracuda ArchiveOne for Files version 7.2.0 and higher.
See Policies Node for additional information.
Once an item matches the given policy criteria, the File Agent performs an action on the file. The following actions are available for ArchiveOne for Files Agents:
- List
- Archive
- Delete
List Policy Action
This action lists all files that match the current policy criteria. This action does not modify any file on the File Agent server and is useful for reporting purposes. When defining a new policy, a good practice is to first use a List action to confirm that the criteria match the intended files.
Archive Policy Action
This action archives any file that matches the current policy criteria. The File Agent replaces the original file with a stub and archives the contents into a repository. When defining a policy that uses the Archive action, you must include the destination repository.
Delete Policy Action
This action deletes any file that matches the current policy criteria.
A good practice is to first use a List action to while developing and refining your policy. Once you are confident in the defined policy criteria, you can then change the action to Delete.