This section refers to the Barracuda ArchiveOne for Files version 7.2.0 and higher.
Evaluation License
Once you successfully install ArchiveOne for Files the system automatically generates an evaluation license which allows you to use all the product features for a limited period of time. Note that the amount of data storage is restricted when using the evaluation license.
To view your current evaluation license details,
- Start the ArchiveOne Management Console.
- Right-click ArchiveOne, and click System Configuration:
- The System Configuration dialog displays. Click the License tab to view your current license details. For example:
Full License
To apply for a full license, you must generate a small file containing details about your server. To do so:
- Start the ArchiveOne Management Console.
- Right-click ArchiveOne, and click System Configuration:
- The System Configuration dialog displays. Click the License tab, and click Generate License Application:
- The License Application Details dialog box displays:
- Enter your organization's name in the Company Name field, enter a contact email address in the Your Email field, and click OK.
- Save the license application to a file name of your choice to the system. For example:
- Send the license file to Barracuda for processing. Once processed, a full license key file is sent to you.
Install New License
Once you receive your full license key file, use the following steps to install the new license:
- Save the license key file to your local system.
- Start the ArchiveOne Management Console.
- Right-click ArchiveOne, and click System Configuration:
- The System Configuration dialog displays. Click the License tab, and click Install License:
- Navigate to and open the license key file you saved to the system in Step 1.
- Your license begins installing. When complete, click OK in the confirmation dialog:
- The System Configuration dialog box displays your new license details:
- The license is now successfully installed.
Continue with Step 3 - Configure ArchiveOne for Files Agents.