This section refers to the Barracuda ArchiveOne for Files version 7.2.0 and higher.
See also:
Once data is in your repositories, you can perform searches from within the Management Console. You can also save and subsequently recall search queries for use at a later time. When the system stores item data into a repository, the data is also indexed including the data content and metadata. For example, if you archive a .docx file, not only are the words indexed, but additional data including the author and file size are indexed. Indexing this additional metadata allows you to perform complex search queries based on an extensive list of attributes.
You can also use the Management Console to retrieve items that are returned based on your search query. Depending on the item, you can retrieve directly from the repository and into a location of your choice. This type of retrieval is used by the System Administrator.
Example - Simple Word Search
You can perform a basic search query using a simple word search. Enter a word or phrase to search through file contents and return matching results. In this example, you create a simple word search to search for all items greater than 50000 bytes in size.
- Start the ArchiveOne Management Console.
- Click Search. and click New Policy.
- Click New Criterion, and select Size in bytes from the drop-down menu.
- Set the condition to is greater than, and type a value of
: - Click Search; the results window displays:
- Click on an item and click Retrieve:
- Specify the location where the file is to be retrieved:
- The files are retrieved from the archive and deposited into the target destination.