This article applies to Barracuda ArchiveOne version 7.3.
The Status node in the ArchiveOne admin console lists all the servers where any of the ArchiveOne components (ArchiveOne services, Search & Retrieval websites, and Administration console) are installed. If you have decommissioned a server, but it is still erroneously listed in the install summary, you can manually remove the server by editing the configuration.
Edit the InstallStatus.ini File
To do this:
- On the Archive server, browse to the Add-ins share (by default: C:\ProgramData\Barracuda\ArchiveOne\Add-ins\AOnePol).
- Open the InstallStatus.ini file in a text editor such as Notepad.
- Find the line containing the server name of interest: []
- Delete this line and the next 4 lines listing Version, Components, LastHeardFrom, and LastHeardFromLocal:
- []
- Version=
- Components=Services, Websites, Admin
- LastHeardFrom=2017-00-00T00:00:00.0000000+00:00
- LastHeardFromLocal=00 January 2017 00:00
- When you have deleted the block of five lines relating to the server you want to remove, save and close the file.
When you reopen the ArchiveOne Admin console and select the Status node, the server is no longer listed.