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This Product is End-of-Life and End-Of-Support

End-Of-Life and End-Of-Support: All Barracuda PST Enterprise sales will cease on December 31, 2024; neither new sales nor any renewals will be available. If you currently hold a maintenance and support contract, you will continue to receive our award-winning support and services until your contract expires.

How to Remove a Single PST File from the Database

  • Last updated on

This article refers to the Barracuda PST Enterprise version 2.2.

In PST Enterprise version 2.2, you cannot remove knowledge of remove knowledge of discovered or processed PST files from the web site / administration console. Use the steps in this article to remove a PST file entry from the PST Enterprise database using standard SQL tools. Note that the PST file is not deleted and no data in the PST file is modified. Instead PST Enterprise no longer recognizes the file. The PST will be discovered and listed again the next time the client toool runs on the workstation.

  1. Log in to SQL Management Studio as the PSTEnterpriseAdmin user.
  2. Execute the following SQL statement, replacing machinename, pstfilepath, and pst_title with the values of the PST you wish to remove:

    DECLARE @pstid bigint;
    SET @pstid =
    (SELECT id
    FROM [PSTEnterprise].dbo.PSTFile
    WHERE machine = 'machinename'
    AND filepath = 'pstfilepath.pst'
    AND title = 'pst_title');


    FROM [PSTEnterprise].dbo.[PSTPolicyHistory]
    WHERE PST_id = @pstid;

    FROM [PSTEnterprise].dbo.PSTFile
    WHERE ID = @pstid;

  3. Refresh the website administration console to verify the PST file has been removed.