PST Enterprise requires the use of a Microsoft SQL Server instance; see Prerequisites for more information. When installing PST Enterprise, you must specify whether to use an existing SQL Server instance or to install a SQL Express 2008 R2 instance on the PST Enterprise server. If there is a failure during the creation of the databases in the specified SQL instance, you are presented with the following message:
Installation step 'Create databases' failed with message 'Creating database or setting database permissions returned response: XXXX'
Where the returned response is one of the following:
- ConnectionFailed
- VersionNotSupported
- FailedAddLogonToInstance
- FailedOneDatabaseCreate
- FailedOneDatabaseAddAccount
- Failure
To resolve this error, see the relevant section below.
The installer is unable to connect to the specified SQL instance; confirm that:
- If you have manually typed the SQL instance name, confirm that this is correct and not misspelled.
- Ensure that the SQL server hostname resolves successfully in DNS and can be contacted by the PST Enterprise server.
- The TCP/IP protocol is enabled on the SQL instance.
- If there are any firewalls between the PST Enterprise server and the SQL server, the ports required by SQL are not blocked (for SQL server TCP port 1433, and for the SQL client TCP ports in the range 1024-5000). For more information about firewalls and PST Enterprise, see Prepare for Installation.
The installer can successfully connect to the specified SQL instance, but the SQL version is not supported for use with PST Enterprise. The SQL instance specified must be SQL Server 2008 or later. SQL Server 2005 and earlier versions are not supported.
The installer can successfully connect to the specified SQL instance, but is unable to create a login for the PST Enterprise service account. Ensure the user running the installer, or the manually entered SQL administrative credentials, has sufficient permissions on the specified SQL instance to create new logins. Alternatively, a SQL administrator can manually create a new login for the PST Enterprise service account in the required SQL instance via SQL Management Studio. The PST Enterprise service account requires dbcreator rights.
The installer can successfully connect to the specified SQL instance and create the login for the PST Enterprise service account, but is unable to create the required database for PST Enterprise. Ensure the user running the installer, or the manually entered SQL administrative credentials, has sufficient permissions on the specified SQL instance to create databases. Alternatively, a SQL administrator can manually create the required database via SQL Management Studio. This must be named PSTEnterprise. The PST Enterprise service account requires owner rights on this database.
This error can also occur if there are database .mdf files still present on disk, for example from a previous SQL installation. If you intend to use the PSTEnterprise database still present on disk, manually mount the databases via SQL Management Studio. If you do not intend to use the existing database, rename or remove these files from disk before running the installer again.
The installer can successfully connect to the specified SQL instance and create the required PST Enterprise database, but is unable to make the PST Enterprise service account the owner of this database. Ensure the user running the installer, or the manually entered SQL administrative credentials, has sufficient permissions on the specified SQL instance to assign this right. Alternatively, a SQL administrator can manually set the PST Enterprise service account as the owner of the PSTEnterprise database via SQL Management Studio.
The installer has encountered an unspecified error. Attempt the following diagnostic steps:
- As the account running the PST Enterprise installation, log on to SQL Management Studio and connect to the desired SQL instance.
- If the connection is successful, create a new login for the PST Enterprise service account and assign this account the dbcreator role.
- Create a database named PSTEnterprise.
- Assign the PST Enterprise service account as the owner of this database.
- Connect to SQL Management Studio as the PST Enterprise service account and confirm the database is accessible under this user context.