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Barracuda RMM
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The configuration of network adapters on Windows devices.

Column Description
DeviceGuid The device that the network adapter configuration belongs to.
ArpAlwaysSourceRoute Indicates if TCP/IP transmits the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) queries using source routing enabled on Token Ring Networks (TRUE) or not (FALSE). By default, ARP first queries without source routing, and retries with source routing enabled if no reply was received. Source routing lets the routing of network packets across different types of networks. Default: FALSE.
ArpUseEtherSNAP Indicates whether Ethernet packets follow the IEEE 802.3 Sub-Network Access Protocol (SNAP) encoding (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Setting this parameter to 1 forces TCP/IP to transmit Ethernet packets using 802.3 SNAP encoding. By default, the stack transmits packets in DIX Ethernet format. Windows NT/Windows 2000 systems are able to receive both formats. Default: FALSE.
DefaultIPGateway Contains a list of IP addresses of default gateways used by the computer system. For example:
DefaultTOS Indicates the default Type Of Service (TOS) value set in the header of outgoing IP packets. RFC 791 defines the values. Default: 0, Valid Range: 0 - 255.
DefaultTTL Indicates the default Time To Live (TTL) value set in the header of outgoing IP packets. The TTL specifies the number of routers an IP packet may pass through to reach its destination before being discarded. Each router decrements the TTL count of a packet by one as it passes through and discards the packets if the TTL is 0. Default: 32, Valid Range: 1 - 255.
Description A text description of the object.
DHCPEnabled Indicates if the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server automatically assigns an IP address to the computer system when establishing a network connection (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
DHCPLeaseExpires Indicates the expiration date and time for a leased IP address that was assigned to the computer by the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server. For example: 20521201000230.000000000.
DHCPLeaseObtainedIndicates the date and time the lease was obtained for the IP address assigned to the computer by the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server. For example: 19521201000230.000000000.
DHCPServer Indicates the IP address of the dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server. For example: 154.55.34.
DNSDomainIndicates an organization name, followed by a period and an extension that indicates the type of organization, such as The name can be any combination of the letters A through Z, the numerals 0 through 9, and the hyphen (-), plus the period (.) character used as a separator. For example:
DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder Specifies the DNS domain suffixes to be appended to the end of host names during name resolution. When attempting to resolve a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) from a host only name, the system first appends the local domain name. If this is not successful, the system uses the domain suffix list to create additional FQDNs in the order listed and query DNS servers for each. For example:
DNSEnabledForWINSResolution Indicates if the Domain Name System (DNS) is enabled for name resolution over Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) resolution (TRUE) or not (FALSE). If the name cannot be resolved using DNS, the name request is forwarded to WINS for resolution.
DNSHostName Indicates the host name used to identify the local computer for authentication by some utilities. Other TCP/IP-based utilities can use this value to acquire the name of the local computer. Host names are stored on DNS servers in a table that maps names to IP addresses for use by DNS. The name can be any combination of the letters A through Z, the numerals 0 through 9, and the hyphen (-), plus the period (.) character used as a separator. By default, this value is the Microsoft networking computer name, but the network administrator can assign another host name without affecting the computer name. For example: corpdns.
DNSServerSearchOrder Indicates an ordered list of server IP addresses to be used in querying for DNS Servers.
DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled Specifies whether the IP addresses for this connection are registered in DNS under the domain name of this connection, in addition to registering under the computer's full DNS name, (TRUE) or not (FALSE). The domain name of this connection is either set via the method SetDNSDomain() or assigned by DHCP. The registered name is the host name of the computer with the domain name appended. Windows 2000 only.
Index Specifies the index number of the Win32 network adapter configuration. Used when there is more than one configuration available.
IPAddressA list of all of the IP addresses associated with the current network adapter. For example:
IPEnabled Indicates whether TCP/IP is bound and enabled on this network adapt.
IPFilterSecurityEnabled Indicates whether IP port security is enabled globally across all IP-bound network adapters (TRUE) or not (FALSE). This property is used in conjunction with IPSecPermitTCPPorts, IPSecPermitUDPPorts, and IPSecPermitIPProtocols. A value of TRUE indicates that IP port security is enabled and that the security values associated with individual network adapters are in effect. A value of FALSE indicates IP filter security is disabled across all network adapters and allows all port and protocol traffic to flow unfiltered.
IPSecPermitIPProtocols Lists the protocols permitted to run over the IP, defined using the EnableIPSec method. The list is either empty or contains numeric values. A numeric value of zero indicates access permission is granted for all protocols. An empty string indicates that no protocols are permitted to run when IPFilterSecurityEnabled is TRUE.
IPSecPermitTCPPorts Lists the ports granted access permission for TCP. The list of protocols is defined using the EnableIPSec method. The list is either empty or contains numeric values. A numeric value of zero indicates access permission is granted for all ports. An empty string indicates no ports are granted access permission when IPFilterSecurityEnabled is TRUE.
IPSecPermitUDPPorts Lists the ports granted User Datagram Protocol (UDP) access permission. The list of protocols is defined using the EnableIPSec method. The list is either empty or contains numeric values. A numeric value of zero indicates access permission is granted for all ports. An empty string indicates that no ports are granted access permission when IPFilterSecurityEnabled is TRUE.
IPSubnet Contains a list of the subnet masks associated with the current network adapter. For example: 255.255.0.
IPUseZeroBroadcast Indicates whether IP zeros-broadcasts are used (TRUE) or not (FALSE). If this parameter is set TRUE, then IP uses zeros-broadcasts (, and the system uses ones-broadcasts ( Computer systems generally use ones-broadcasts, but those derived from BSD implementations use zeros-broadcasts. Systems that do not use that same broadcasts will not interoperate on the same network. Default: FALSE.
KeepAliveInterval Indicates the interval separating Keep Alive Retransmissions until a response is received. Once a response is received, the delay until the next Keep Alive Transmission is again controlled by the value of KeepAliveTime. The connection is aborted after the number of retransmissions specified by TcpMaxDataRetransmissions have gone unanswered. Default: 1000, Valid Range: 1 - 0xFFFFFFFF.
KeepAliveTime Indicates how often the TCP attempts to verify that an idle connection is still intact by sending a Keep Alive Packet. A remote system that is reachable will acknowledge the keep alive transmission. Keep Alive packets are not sent by default. This feature may be enabled in a connection by an application. Default: 7,200,000 (two hours).
MACAddress Indicates the Media Access Control (MAC) address of the network adapter. A MAC address is assigned by the manufacturer to uniquely identify the network adapter. For example: 00:80:C7:8F:6C:96.
MTU Overrides the default Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for a network interface. The MTU is the maximum packet size (including the transport header) that the transport will transmit over the underlying network. The IP datagram can span multiple packets. The range of this value spans the minimum packet size (68) to the MTU supported by the underlying network.
NumForwardPackets Indicates the number of IP packet headers allocated for the router packet queue. When all headers are in use, the router discards packets from the queue at random. This value should be at least as large as the ForwardBufferMemory value divided by the maximum IP data size of the networks connected to the router. It should be no larger than the ForwardBufferMemory value divided by 256, since at least 256 bytes of forward buffer memory are used for each packet. The optimal number of forward packets for a given ForwardBufferMemory size depends on the type of traffic carried on the network. It will lie somewhere between these two values. If the router is not enabled, this parameter is ignored and no headers are allocated. Default: 50, Valid Range: 1 - 0xFFFFFFFE.
ServiceName The service name of the network adapter. Usually shorter than the full product name. For example: Elnkii.
SettingID The identifier by which the object is known.
TcpipNetbiosOptions Specifies a bitmap of the possible settings related to NetBIOS over TCP/IP. Windows 2000 only.
TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions Indicates the number of times TCP attempts to retransmit a Connect Request before terminating the connection. The initial retransmission timeout is 3 seconds. The retransmission timeout doubles for each attempt. Default: 3, Valid Range: 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF.
TcpMaxDataRetransmissions Indicates the number of times TCP retransmits an individual data segment (non-connect segment) before terminating the connection. The retransmission timeout doubles with each successive retransmission on a connection. Default: 5, Valid Range: 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF.
TcpNumConnections Indicates the maximum number of connections that TCP can have open simultaneously. Default: 0xFFFFFE, Valid Range: 0 - 0xFFFFFE.
WINSEnableLMHostsLookup Indicates whether local lookup files are used. Lookup files contain a map of IP addresses to host names. If they exist on the local system, they are found in %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc.
WINSHostLookupFile Contains a path to a WINS lookup file on the local system. This file contains a map of IP addresses to host names. If the file specified in this property is found, it is copied to the %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc folder of the local system. Valid only if the WINSEnableLMHostsLookup property is TRUE.
WINSPrimaryServerIndicates the IP address for the primary WINS server.
WINSScopeID Provides a way to isolate a group of computer systems that communicate with each other only. The Scope ID is a character string value that is appended to the end of the NetBIOS name. It is used for all NetBIOS transactions over TCP/IP communications from that computer system. Computers configured with identical Scope IDs are able to communicate with this computer. TCP/IP clients with different Scope IDs disregard packets from computers with this Scope ID. Valid only when the EnableWINS method executes successfully.
WINSSecondaryServerIndicates the IP address for the secondary WINS server.