Each type of monitor that can be added to a policy module is configured differently depending on the type of monitor. After you have added the monitor to a policy module (see Adding Monitors to Policy Modules), you can configure the monitor type. For specific instructions about configuring each type of monitor, see:
Configuring AMT Event Monitors
AMT Event monitors will only function correctly if the devices being monitored have successfully been added to the Intel® AMT device list.
To configure an AMT event monitor
Click Add Monitor.
From the Choose Monitor Type list, select AMT Events.
Click OK.
Click the Monitor tab.
In the Monitoring Rule section, type a monitor Title and Description in the boxes.
In the AMT Event Rule section, do the following:
Select the All check box to collect events from all sources, or deselect it and specify a source by the source in the Source box.
Select a severity level from the Severity list.
Type any text string to search for in the Details Search Text box (maximum 255 characters).
In the Event Collection section, select the Collect Events check box to activate this monitor, or deselect it to deactivate this monitor (useful when creating exceptions for monitors).
If you want to configure the alert rules at this time, then continue with the next step or click Save to close the dialog box.
To configure the alert rules
Click the Alerts tab.
Click Add Alert Configuration.
In the Alert section, type an alert Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Alert Rules section, click Add Alert Rule.
In the AMT Events Rule Parameters section, do the following:
Select a source from the Event Source list. If you selected either Equal or Not Equal, type a value in the corresponding box.
Select a severity from the Event Severity list. If you selected either Equal or Not Equal, then select a value from the list that appears.
Type any text string to search for in the Details Search Text box (maximum 255 characters).
Click Save.
Repeat this step until all required alert rules have been defined.
If more than one alert rule has been defined, select either the Alert When Any Rule Conditions are Met or the Alert When All Rule Conditions are Met option button.
In the Alert Categories, Actions and Notifications section, do the following:
Click Add/Remove Category.
In the panel on the left side of the dialog box, select all the alert categories under which you want this alert to appear (in the Central Dashboard) and click Add.
If you want to remove any existing alert categories, in the panel on the right side of the dialog box, select the alert categories and click Remove.
Click OK.
Select the check boxes that correspond with any Alert Actions, Alert Notifications, or Escalation Notification you want to enable.
For more information, see Setting Up Alert Actions.
NOTE Self-Heal is not an available option.Click Save.
Click Save.
Configuring Device Availability Monitors
Device Availability monitors will function for all discovered devices.
To configure a device availability monitor
Click Add Monitor.
From the Choose Monitor Type list, select Device Availability.
Click OK.
Click the Monitor tab.
In the Monitoring Rule section, type a monitor Title and Description in the boxes.
If you want to configure the alert rules at this time, then continue with the next step or click Save to close the dialog box.
To configure the alert rules
Click the Alerts tab.
Click Add Alert Configuration.
In the Alert section, type an alert Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Alert Rules section, click Add Alert Rule, and do the following:
Select a period of time from the Trigger alert when Device is Down for list.
Click Save.
Repeat step a to b until all required alert rules have been defined.
If more than one alert rule has been defined, then select either the Alert When Any Rule Conditions are Met or the Alert When All Rule Conditions are Met option button.
In the Alert Categories, Actions and Notifications section, do the following:
Click Add/Remove Category.
In the panel on the left side of the dialog box, select all the alert categories under which you want this alert to appear (in the Central Dashboard) and click Add.
If you want to remove any existing alert categories, in the panel on the right side of the dialog box, select the alert categories and click Remove.
Click OK.
Select the check boxes that correspond with any Alert Actions, Alert Notifications, or Escalation Notification you want to enable.
For more information, see Setting Up Alert Actions.Click Save.
Click Save.
Configuring Device Warranty Monitors
You can add a monitor that notifies you when a warranty is about to expire.
Click the Alerts tab.
Click Add Alert Configuration.
Type a title for the alert.
Optionally, type a description for the alert.
Click Add Alert Rule.
From the Trigger Type section, do the following:
To create an alert that notifies you when the vendor warranty expires, select the Vendor Warranty check box.
To create an alert that notifies you when the custom warranty expires, select the Vendor Warranty check box.
To create an alert when either warranty expires, select both check boxes.
In the Alert (days) box, type the number of days before or after the expiry that you want to be alerted.
Click Save.
Select the check boxes that correspond with any Alert Actions, Alert Notifications, or Escalation Notification you want to enable.
For more information, see Setting Up Alert Actions.Click Save.
Click Save.
Configuring MBSA Reports Monitors
MBSA Report monitors will only function correctly if the devices being monitored have WMI enabled.
To configure a MBSA report monitor
Click Add Monitor.
From the Choose Monitor Type list, select MBSA Reports.
Click OK.
Click the Monitor tab.
In the Monitoring Rule section, type a monitor Title and Description in the boxes.If you want to configure the alert rules at this time, then continue with the next step or click Save to close the dialog box.
To configure the alert rules
Click the Alerts tab.
Click Add Alert Configuration.
In the Alert section, type an alert Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Alert Rules section, click Add Alert Rule.
In the MBSA Category section, select either the All MBSA Categories or Choose MBSA Category option button.
If you selected All MBSA Categories, then select a score from the Score list.
If you selected Choose MBSA Category, then select the category from the MBSA Category list, and then select the score from the Score list.
If you selected Choose MBSA Category, the MBSA Check section appears.
Select either the All MBSA Checks from list or the Selected MBSA Checks from list option button.
NOTE Use the CTRL key on the keyboard to select multiple checks.
Click Save.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you have defined all the alert rules.
If more than one alert rule has been defined, then select either the Alert When Any Rule Conditions are Met or the Alert When All Rule Conditions are Met option button.
In the Alert Categories, Actions and Notifications section, do the following:
Click Add/Remove Category.
In the panel on the left side of the dialog box, select all the alert categories under which you want this alert to appear (in the Central Dashboard) and click Add.
If you want to remove any existing alert categories, in the panel on the right side of the dialog box, select the alert categories and click Remove.
Click OK.
Select the check boxes that correspond with any Alert Actions, Alert Notifications, or Escalation Notification you want to enable.
For more information, see Setting Up Alert Actions.
NOTE Self-Heal is not an available option..Click Save.
Click Save.
Configuring Network Services Monitors
Network Services monitors will function for all discovered devices.
To configure a network services monitor
Click Add Monitor.
From the Choose Monitor Type list, select Network Services.
Click OK.
Click the Monitor tab.
In the Monitoring Rule section, type a monitor Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Network Service Rule section, do the following:
Select the service to monitor from the Network Services list.
The only option available from the IP Address list is ALL because there are no sites for the blueprint.
Type the port used by the service in the Port box.
Select a timeout value for the service from the Timeout list.
In the Scheduling section, do the following:
Select how often the monitor is run by selecting a value from the Polling Interval list.
In the Schedule box, by default, the monitor is set to Run Always. If you want to change the default, click Run Always to open the Select Interval dialog box.
In the Select Interval dialog box, select either the Daily Interval or Specific Interval option button and use the corresponding lists to define the monitoring schedule.
Click OK.
If you want to configure the alert rules at this time, then continue with the next step or click Save to close the dialog box.
To configure the alert rules
Click the Alerts tab.
Click Add Alert Configuration.
In the Alert section, type an alert Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Alert Rules section, click Add Alert Rule.
Select a value from the Time Down before alerting list.
Click Save.
If required, repeat this step until all required alert rules have been defined.
If more than one alert rule has been defined, then select either the Alert When Any Rule Conditions are Met or the Alert When All Rule Conditions are Met option button.
In the Alert Categories, Actions and Notifications section, click Add/Remove Category.
In the panel on the left side of the dialog box, select all the alert categories under which you want this alert to appear (in the Central Dashboard) and click Add.
If you want to remove any existing alert categories, in the panel on the right side of the dialog box, select the alert categories and click Remove.
Click OK.
Select the check boxes that correspond with any Alert Actions, Alert Notifications, or Escalation Notification you want to enable.
For more information, see Setting Up Alert Actions.Click Save.
Click Save.
Configuring Patch Status Monitors
Patch Status monitors will only function correctly if the devices being monitored have had a Windows Update Agent Policy defined, and the devices are reporting into patch management successfully.
To configure a patch status monitor
Click Add Monitor.
From the Choose Monitor Type list, select Patch Status.
Click OK.
Click the Monitor tab.
In the Monitoring Rule section, type a monitor Title and Description in the boxes.
If you want to configure the alert rules at this time, then continue with the next step or click Save to close the dialog box.
To configure the alert rules
Click the Alerts tab.
Click Add Alert Configuration.
In the Alert section, type an alert Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Alert Rules section, click Add Alert Rule.
In the Patch Status section, select a patch status from the An alert will be triggered when any patch has a status of list.
Click Save.
If required, repeat this step until you have defined all the alert rules.
If more than one alert rule has been defined, then select either the Alert When Any Rule Conditions are Met or the Alert When All Rule Conditions are Met option button.
In the Alert Categories, Actions and Notifications section, click Add/Remove Category. The Add/Remove Alert Categories dialog box appears.
In the panel on the left side of the dialog box, select all the alert categories under which you want this alert to appear (in the Central Dashboard) and click Add.
If you want to remove any existing alert categories, in the panel on the right side of the dialog box, select the alert categories and click Remove.
Click OK.
Select the check boxes that correspond with any Alert Actions, Alert Notifications, or Escalation Notification you want to enable.
For more information, see Setting Up Alert Actions.Click Save.
Click Save.
Configuring Performance Counter Monitors
Performance Counter monitors will only function correctly if the devices being monitored have WMI enabled.
To configure a performance counter monitor
Click Add Monitor.
From the Choose Monitor Type list, select Performance Counters.
Click OK.
Click the Monitor tab.
In the Monitoring Rule section, type a monitor Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Counter Selection section, do the following:
Select the performance object to monitor from the Performance Object list.
Select the instance from the Object Instance list.
Select the counter from the Counter list. If available, the Counter Help will appear, which provides a description of the counter.
In the Scheduling section, do the following:
Select how often the monitor is run by selecting a value from the Polling Interval list.
In the Schedule box, by default, the monitor is set to Run Always. If you want to change the default, click Run Always to open the Select Interval dialog box.
In the Select Interval dialog box, select either the Daily Interval or Specific Interval button and use the corresponding lists to define the monitoring schedule.
Click OK.
If you want to configure the alert rules at this time, then continue with the next step or click Save to close the dialog box.
To configure the alert rules
Click the Alerts tab.
Click Add Alert Configuration.
In the Alert section, type an alert Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Alert Rules section, click Add Alert Rule. The Performance Counter Alert Rule dialog box appears.
In the Trigger alert when performance counter is section:
Select either less than or greater than from the list.
Type a value in the threshold box.
Type a value in the data points box.
Click Save.
If required, repeat this step until you have defined all the alert rules.
If more than one alert rule has been defined, then select either the Alert When Any Rule Conditions are Met or the Alert When All Rule Conditions are Met option button.
In the Alert Categories, Actions, and Notifications section, click Add/Remove Category. The Add/Remove Alert Categories dialog box appears.
In the panel on the left side of the dialog box, select all the alert categories under which you want this alert to appear (in the Central Dashboard) and click Add.
If you want to remove any existing alert categories, in the panel on the right side of the dialog box, select the alert categories and click Remove.
Click OK.
Select the check boxes that correspond with any Alert Actions, Alert Notifications, or Escalation Notification you want to enable.
For more information, see Setting Up Alert Actions.Click Save.
Click Save.
Configuring SCE Monitors
SCE monitors will only function correctly if the devices being monitored have SCE (System Center Essentials) installed.
To configure an SCE monitor
Click Add Monitor.
From the Choose Monitor Type list, select SCE.
Click OK.
Click the Monitor tab.
In the Monitoring Rule section, type a monitor Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Scheduling section:
Select how often the monitor is run by selecting a value from the Polling Interval list.
Select the Monitoring check box to activate this monitor, or deselect it to deactivate it (useful when creating exceptions for monitors).
If you want to configure the alert rules at this time, then continue with the next step or click Save to close the dialog box.
To configure the alert rules
Click the Alerts tab.
Click Add Alert Configuration.
In the Alert section, type an alert Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Alert Rules section, click Add Alert Rule.
In the Severity, Priority and Category boxes, do the following:
Select either All, Equal, or Not Equal from the list.
If you selected Equal or Not Equal, select a corresponding item from the list.
In the Name, Description, Source, and Management Group Search String boxes, do the following:
Select either All, Equal, or Not Equal from the list.
If you selected Equal or Not Equal, type a value in the corresponding box.
Click Save.
Repeat steps 4 to 7 until all the required alert rules have been defined.
If more than one alert rule has been defined, then select either the Alert When Any Rule Conditions are Met or the Alert When All Rule Conditions are Met option button.
In the Alert Categories, Actions and Notifications section, do the following:
Click Add/Remove Category. The Add/Remove Alert Categories dialog box appears.
In the panel on the left side of the dialog box, select all the alert categories under which you want this alert to appear (in the Central Dashboard) and click Add.
If you want to remove any existing alert categories, in the panel on the right side of the dialog box, select the alert categories and click Remove.
Click OK.
Select the check boxes that correspond with any Alert Actions, Alert Notifications, or Escalation Notification you want to enable.
For more information, see Setting Up Alert Actions.Click Save.
Click Save.
Configuring SNMP Monitors
SNMP monitors will only function correctly if the devices being monitored have SNMP enabled.
There are two types of MIBs: scalar and tabular. Scalar objects define a single object instance whereas tabular objects define multiple related object instances grouped in MIB tables.
You can create a tabular monitor for a known base OID, and Barracuda RMM will automatically create monitors for all elements within that table.
To configure an SNMP monitor
Click Add Monitor.
From the Choose Monitor Type list, select SNMP.
Click Add Monitor.
In the Monitor tab, type a title for the monitor.
Optionally, type a description for the monitor.
Ensure the Enabled check box is selected.
Select the New SNMP OID option button.
In the Object Name box, type the OID text identifier.
In the OID box, type the OID numeric value.
From the Object Type list, select either Numeric or Text.
To collect tabular OIDs, select the Tabular check box.
In the Description box, type a description for the OID.
If you selected the Tabular check box, select an appropriate time to set how frequently tabular children scalar OIDs are captured.
From the Polling Interval list, select an appropriate time to set how frequently the data is captured.
Do one of the following to set when the monitor runs:
To set the monitor to run all the time, do nothing.
To change when the monitor runs, click Run Always to open the Select Interval dialog box and select either the Daily Interval or Specific Interval option button and use the corresponding lists to define the monitoring schedule. Click OK.
If you want to configure the alert rules at this time, then continue with the next step or click Save to close the dialog box.
To configure the alert rules
Click the Alerts tab.
Click Add Alert Configuration.
In the Alert section, type an alert Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Alert Rules section, click Add Alert Rule.
In the Trigger alert when SNMP counter is section, select either less than or greater than from the list.
Type a value in the threshold box.
Type a value in the data points box.
Click Save.
Repeat until all required alert rules have been defined.
If more than one alert rule has been defined, then select either the Alert When Any Rule Conditions are Met or the Alert When All Rule Conditions are Met option button.
In the Alert Categories, Actions and Notifications section, click Add/Remove Category. The Add/Remove Alert Categories dialog box appears.
In the panel on the left side of the dialog box, select all the alert categories under which you want this alert to appear (in the Central Dashboard) and click Add.
If you want to remove any existing alert categories, in the panel on the right side of the dialog box, select the alert categories and click Remove.
Click OK.
Select the check boxes that correspond with any Alert Actions, Alert Notifications, or Escalation Notification you want to enable.
For more information, see Setting Up Alert Actions.Click Save.
Click Save.
Configuring SNMP from MIB Monitors
SNMP from MIB monitors will only function correctly if the devices being monitored have SNMP enabled. To create the monitors using a file, it must have the .MIB extension. These files may be provided by the vendor, or you can click here.
The MIBs that appear in the MIB Library and the objects identifiers (OIDs) that are loaded into the MIB Browser are remembered on a per user basis.
To configure an SNMP from MIB monitor
Click Add Monitor.
From the Choose Monitor Type list, select SNMP from MIB and click OK.
Select the MIB file from the Browse Library list. If the MIB file has not been previously imported into VSC Blueprint, then you have to upload the file. To upload the file:
Click Upload MIBs to Library.
Click Browse.
Select the file and click Open.
Click Upload. The Results section confirms the upload was successful, listing number of files added.
Click Finished.
From the Browse Library list, select the MIB file that you just added and click Load MIB. (You can also delete a MIB from the library by clicking Delete from Library.)
In the Loaded MIBs pane, select the check box of each MIB for which you want to see the OIDs.
The OIDs appear in the MIB Browser pane. If available, a description of the OID will appear in the Selected Object Description pane. If there are dependencies or errors related to a MIB, the information appears in the message box below the viewer area.In the MIB Browser pane, select the check box of each OID you want to add as a monitors in the policy module.
In the Scheduling section, select how often the monitor is run by selecting a value from the Polling Interval list.
In the Schedule box, by default, the monitor is set to Run Always. If you want to change the default, click Run Always to open the Select Interval dialog box.
In the Select Interval dialog box, select either the Daily Interval or Specific Interval option button and use the corresponding lists to define the monitoring schedule.
Click OK.
Click Add Selected Objects.
If you want to configure the alert rules at this time, then in the Monitors list, click the monitor for which you want to configure the alert rules and continue with the next step.
To configure the alert rules
Click the Alerts tab.
Click Add Alert Configuration.
In the Alert section, type an alert Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Alert Rules section, click Add Alert Rule.
In the Trigger alert when SNMP counter is section, select either less than or greater than from the list.
Type a value in the threshold box.
Type a value in the data points box.
Click Save.
Repeat until all required alert rules have been defined.
If more than one alert rule has been defined, then select either the Alert When Any Rule Conditions are Met or the Alert When All Rule Conditions are Met option button.
In the Alert Categories, Actions and Notifications section, click Add/Remove Category.
In the panel on the left side of the dialog box, select all the alert categories under which you want this alert to appear (in the Central Dashboard) and click Add.
If you want to remove any existing alert categories, in the panel on the right side of the dialog box, select the alert categories and click Remove.
Click OK.
Select the check boxes that correspond with any Alert Actions, Alert Notifications, or Escalation Notification you want to enable.
For more information, see Setting Up Alert Actions.Click Save.
Click Save.
Configuring SNMP Traps Monitors
The Onsite Manager has to be defined as an SNMP Trap receiver on the devices being monitored.
To configure an SNMP Traps monitor
Click Add Monitor.
From the Choose Monitor Type list, select SNMP Traps.
Click OK.
Click the Monitor tab.
In the Monitoring Rule section, type a monitor Title and Description in the boxes.
In the SNMP Trap Rule section, if you want to monitor for a specific aspect of SNMP Traps, then select an item from Generic Type list.
If you selected Enterprise Specific in the previous step, then the Enterprise OID box becomes available so you can enter your Enterprise OID.
If you want to enable SNMP Trap Collection, then select the check box.
If you want to configure the alert rules at this time, then continue with the next step or click Save to close the dialog box.
To configure the alert rules
Click the Alerts tab.
Click Add Alert Configuration.
In the Alert section, type an alert Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Alert Rules section, click Add Alert Rule.
In the SNMP Trap Parameters section, select an item from the Generic Type list.
If you selected Enterprise Specific in the previous step, then the Enterprise OID box becomes available so you can enter your Enterprise OID.
In the Variable Binding Parameters section, select Any, Contains, or Does Not Contain from the Variable Binding list. If you selected Contains or Does Not Contain, type the value in the box.
Click Save.
Repeat until all required alert rules have been defined.
If more than one alert rule has been defined, then select either the Alert When Any Rule Conditions are Met or the Alert When All Rule Conditions are Met option button.
In the Alert Categories, Actions and Notifications section, click Add/Remove Category.
In the panel on the left side of the dialog box, select all the alert categories under which you want this alert to appear (in the Central Dashboard) and click Add.
If you want to remove any existing alert categories, in the panel on the right side of the dialog box, select the alert categories and click Remove.
Click OK.
Select the check boxes that correspond with any Alert Actions, Alert Notifications, or Escalation Notification you want to enable.
For more information, see Setting Up Alert Actions.
NOTE Self-Heal is not an available option.Click Save. The Alert Configuration dialog box closes.
Click Save. The Monitor dialog box closes.
Configuring Syslog Messages Monitors
Syslog Messages monitors will only function correctly if the Onsite Manager has been defined as a Syslog Message receiver on the devices being monitored.
To configure a Syslog Message monitor
Click Add Monitor.
From the Choose Monitor Type list, select Syslog Messages.
Click OK.
Click the Monitor tab.
In the Monitoring Rule section, type a monitor Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Syslog Rule section, if you want to monitor for specific aspects of syslog messages, then perform any combination of the following:
Select a Facility from the list.
Select a Severity from the list.
Type part of a syslog message in the Message Search box.
If you want to enable Syslog Collection, then select the check box.
If you want to configure the alert rules at this time, then continue with the next step or click Save to close the dialog box.
To configure the alert rules
Click the Alerts tab.
Click Add Alert Configuration.
In the Alert section, type an alert Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Alert Rules section, click Add Alert Rule.
In the Syslog Rule Parameters section, select All, Equal, or Not Equal from the Syslog Category list. If you selected Equal or Not Equal, select the syslog category from the corresponding list.
Select All, Equal, or Not Equal from the Severity list. If you selected Equal or Not Equal, then select the severity level from the corresponding list.
Select All, Equal, or Not Equal from the Message Substring list. If you selected Equal or Not Equal, then type the text string in the corresponding box.
Click Save.
Repeat this step until all required alert rules have been defined.
If more than one alert rule has been defined, then select either the Alert When Any Rule Conditions are Met or the Alert When All Rule Conditions are Met option button.
In the Alert Categories, Actions and Notifications section, click Add/Remove Category.
In the panel on the left side of the dialog box, select all the alert categories under which you want this alert to appear (in the Central Dashboard) and click Add.
If you want to remove any existing alert categories, in the panel on the right side of the dialog box, select the alert categories and click Remove.
Click OK.
Select the check boxes that correspond with any Alert Actions, Alert Notifications, or Escalation Notification you want to enable.
For more information, see Setting Up Alert Actions.
NOTE Self-Heal is not an available option.Click Save.
Click Save.
Configuring Windows Events Monitors
Windows Event monitors will only function correctly if the devices being monitored have WMI enabled.
To configure Windows event monitors
Click Add Monitor.
From the Choose Monitor Type list, select Windows Events.
Click OK.
Click the Monitor tab.
In the Monitoring Rule section, type a monitor Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Windows Event Rule section, select the Windows event log to monitor from the Log list.
To define a new Windows event log, select the Other check box, and type the name of the log in the corresponding box.
Select the All check box to collect events from all sources, or deselect the All check box and type the source in the Source box.
Select the All check box to collect events with all event IDs, or deselect the All check box and type the event ID in the Event ID box.
Select a severity level for the event from the Severity list.
Type a text string to find in the Details Search Text box, if required.
In the Event Collection section, select the Collect Events check box to activate this monitor, or deselect it to deactivate it (useful when creating exceptions for monitors).
If you want to configure the alert rules at this time, then continue with the next step or click Save to close the dialog box.
To configure the alert rules
Click the Alerts tab.
Click Add Alert Configuration.
In the Alert section, type an alert Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Alert Rules section, click Add Alert Rule.
Select the Windows event log to monitor from the Event Log list.
To define a new Windows event log, select the Other check box, and type the name of the log in the corresponding box.
Select the All check box to collect events from all sources, or deselect the All check box and type the source in the Event Source box.
Select the All check box to collect events with all event IDs, or deselect the All check box and type the event ID in the Event ID box.
Select a severity level for the event form the Event Severity list.
Type a text string to find in the Details Search Text box, if required.
Repeat this step until all required alert rules have been defined.
If more than one alert rule has been defined, then select either the Alert When Any Rule Conditions are Met or the Alert When All Rule Conditions are Met option button.
In the Alert Categories, Actions and Notifications section, click Add/Remove Category.
In the panel on the left side of the dialog box, select all the alert categories under which you want this alert to appear (in the Central Dashboard) and click Add.
If you want to remove any existing alert categories, in the panel on the right side of the dialog box, select the alert categories and click Remove.
Click OK.
Select the check boxes that correspond with any Alert Actions, Alert Notifications, or Escalation Notification you want to enable.
For more information, see Setting Up Alert Actions.Click Save.
Click Save.
Configuring Windows Services Monitors
Windows Services monitors will only function correctly if the devices being monitored have WMI enabled.
To configure a Windows services monitor
Click Add Monitor.
From the Choose Monitor Type list, select Windows Services.
Click OK.
Click the Monitor tab.
In the Monitoring Rule section, type a monitor Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Service Selection section, select the Windows service you want to monitor from the Service list.
Select the type of monitoring from the Monitoring Type list:
Off - No Monitoring
Low - Do not restart but send event to Service Center will not attempt to restart the Windows Service, but will send an alert to Service Center.
Medium - Restart and send event to Service Center if restart fails will attempt to restart the Windows service, and send an alert to Service Center if the restart of the service fails.
High - Restart and send event to Service Center will attempt to restart the Windows service, and send an alert to Service Center whether or not the restart of the service fails.
In the Enable/Disable Rule section, select the Enable this Rule check box to activate this monitor, or deselect it to deactivate it (useful when creating exceptions for monitors).
If you want to configure the alert rules at this time, then continue with the next step or click Save to close the dialog box.
To configure the alert rules
Click the Alerts tab.
Click Add Alert Configuration.
In the Alert section, type an alert Title and Description in the boxes.
In the Alert Rules section, click Add Alert Rule.
The alert rules have already been defined in the previous steps. Click Save.
NOTE It is not necessary to add an additional alert ruleIn the Alert Categories, Actions and Notifications section, click Add/Remove Category.
In the panel on the left side of the dialog box, select all the alert categories under which you want this alert to appear (in the Central Dashboard) and click Add.
If you want to remove any existing alert categories, in the panel on the right side of the dialog box, select the alert categories and click Remove.
Click OK.
Select the check boxes that correspond with any Alert Actions, Alert Notifications, or Escalation Notification you want to enable.
For more information, see Setting Up Alert Actions.
NOTE Self-Heal is not an available option.Click Save.
Click Save.