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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

About Roles

  • Last updated on

A role defines the areas of Service Center that may be accessed by users who are members of the role. Additionally, the roles determine whether a user may initiate remote control sessions, receive email alerts, or have trouble tickets assigned to them.



An attempt is made to access an area of Service Center that is not permitted by the roles of which a user is a member

The user sees the following message: "You are not authorized to view this page."

A user is a member of more than one role with different access permissions

The least restrictive security settings apply.

Default Roles

Barracuda RMM comes with six default roles:

Administrator Members have read and modify access to all objects in Service Center. This role cannot be renamed or have its access permissions modified.

Technician Members have read access to all objects in Service Center and modify access to all objects except:

  • patch management initial setup

  • report categories

  • user management

  • system settings

  • service desks

Members can initiate:

  • remote control sessions

  • use remote tools

  • receive email alerts

  • have trouble tickets assigned to them

This role can be renamed or modified.

Customer Members have read access to all status and site inventory objects and modify access to allow trouble ticket assignment. Members can have trouble tickets assigned to them. This role can be renamed or modified.

Sales Members have read access to the Central Dashboard, site inventory, and reporting. This role can be renamed or modified.

Guest Members have read access to all status objects. This role can be renamed or modified.

Service Manager Members have read access to all objects in Service Center except:

  • report categories

  • user management

  • system settings

  • service desks

Members also have modify access to:

  • device management

  • alerts

  • trouble tickets

  • reporting

Members can initiate remote control sessions and have trouble tickets assigned to them. This role can be renamed or modified.

End User Members have modify access to the Wake Computers page of Service Center only. Although you can give this role other permissions, it is recommended that you use the default setting so that end users only see the Wake Computers page.

Using Roles for Security

Coupled with the object access security on the user level that defines which sites, groups, devices and websites a user may access, roles comprise part of the Barracuda RMM security model.


You can create a restricted Administrator role that is limited to specific objects. If you clear the Automatically Assign New Sites check box in the Permissions tab, then users who have this role are not given access to new sites as they are added. You can also exclude the notifications.

See Also