The following are the steps to configure Autotask:
Creating User-Defined Fields
If you have an existing legacy Autotask integration, some of the required user-defined fields might already exist. Existing user-defined fields with the Field Type set to ATEDataMapping instead of Text (Single Line) do not need to be modified.
The user-defined field names must match the names provided in the procedures below.
To create an account user-defined field
Log in to Autotask using an Administrator account.
Hover over the Autotask menu in the upper left corner
, click Admin > User Defined Fields.
Click the Companies tab.
Click New.
In the Name box, type Managed Workplace Site GUID.
From the Field Type box, select Text (Single Line).
Click Save & Close.
To create service ticket user-defined fields
Log in to Autotask using an Administrator account.
Hover over the Autotask menu in the upper left corner
, click Admin > User Defined Fields.
Click the Companies tab.
Click the Tickets tab.
Click New.
In the Name box, type Managed Workplace Ticket ID.
From the Field Type list, select Text (Single Line).
Click Save & New.
In the Name box, type Managed Workplace Var GUID.
From the Field Type list, select Text (Single Line).
Click Save & New.
In the Name box, type Managed Workplace Alert Type.
From the Field Type list, select Text (Single Line).
Click Save & Close.
To create configuration item user-defined fields
Log in to Autotask using an Administrator account.
Hover over the Autotask menu in the upper left corner
, click Admin > User Defined Fields.
Click the Companies tab.
Click the Site Configuration Items tab.
Click New.
In the Name box, type Managed Workplace Device GUID.
From the Field Type list, select Text (Single Line).
Click Save & New.
In the Name box, type Managed Workplace Device Description.
From the Field Type list, select Text (Single Line).
Click Save & New.
In the Name box, type Managed Workplace Device IP Address.
From the Field Type list, select Text (Single Line).
Click Save & New.
In the Name box, type Managed Workplace Device Inventory Tag.
From the Field Type list, select Text (Single Line).
Click Save & New.
In the Name box, type Managed Workplace Device Type.
From the Field Type list, select Text (Single Line).
Click Save & New.
In the Name box, type Managed Workplace Device Last Logged On User.
From the Field Type list, select Text (Single Line).
Click Save & Close.
Disabling the MW Extension
Next, you will disable the legacy Autotask integration by disabling the Barracuda RMM Extension. If you are configuring an Autotask integration for the first time, skip this step.
Log in to Autotask using an Administrator account.
Hover over the Autotask menu in the upper left corner
, then click Admin.
Click the Extensions & Integrations tab.
Click Other Extensions & Tools, then Managed Workplace Extension.
Clear any existing Device Discover batches that have not been reconciled by clicking Clear Batches.
Clear the Active check box and all discovery time check boxes.
Click the Options tab.
Clear the Enable Round-Trip Closure check box.
Click the Notification tab.
Clear all check boxes.
Click Save.
Creating a Custom Extension
Next, you will create an extension callout that identifies the SCMessaging URL.
Log in to Autotask using an Administrator account.
Hover over the Autotask menu in the upper left corner
, then click Admin.
Click the Extensions & Integrations tab.
Click Other Extensions & Tools, then Extension Callout (Tickets).
Click New Extension Callout.
In the Name box, type a name to identify Service Center.
Select the Active check box.
In the URL box, type the SCMessaging URL, with ATCallback.aspx appended.
For hosted users, your SCMessaging URL is in the following format:
https://<xx00> , where <xx00> is the name of the server where your Service Center is hosted, for example, eu02 or us01.Leave the Username and Password boxes blank.
From the Ticket User-Defined Field list, select Managed Workplace Var GUID.
From the HTTP Transport Method list, select GET.
To send email notifications for failures only, select the Do not generate e-mail notifications unless a failure is detected check box.
Click the Notification tab.
Select the check box for each user you want to receive email notifications.
Click Save & Close.
Creating a Workflow Rule
The final step in configuring Autotask is creating a workflow rule and associating it with the extension callout you just created.
In the Autotask menu, click Admin > Features & Settings > Application-wide (shared) Features > Workflow Rules.
On the Service Desk tab, click New.
Provide a name and description for the workflow rule.
In the Events area, select the following check boxes:
Edited by
Note Added by
For each of the check boxes selected in step 4, ensure that Anyone is selected in the associated lists.
Scroll down to the Actions area, and from the Then Execute Extension Callout list, select the callout extension you created.
Click Save & Close.
Verify the Workflow Rule Setup
Before continuing with the Autotask configuration, it is a good idea to verify that the workflow rule has been associated with the extension callout.
Return to the extension callout that you previously set up.
Click the Workflow tab.
Verify that the workflow rule is listed and that it is active.
Close the Extension Callout window.
Creating and Configuring Autotask LiveLinks
If your legacy Autotask MW Extension included synched LiveLinks, it is recommended that you deactivate them, as they are not recommended in the new integration. To ensure data integrity, the LiveLinks in the upgraded connector reference the unique site and device GUIDs. To make use of these new identifiers in LiveLinks, you must create two new LiveLinks for sites and devices.
If this is a first-time Autotask integration, you can create LiveLinks for sites and devices. The use of LiveLinks is optional.
To deactivate existing LiveLinks
Log in to Autotask using an Administrator account.
Hover over the Autotask icon in the upper left corner
, and click Admin.
Click Automation > AutoForms & LiveLinks.
Click LiveLinks Designer.
Click the LiveLink you want to deactivate.
Clear the Active check box.
Click Save & Close.
To add Autotask LiveLinks for sites and devices
Log in to Autotask using an Administrator account.
Hover over the Autotask icon in the upper left corner
, and click Admin.
Click Automation > AutoForms & LiveLinks.
Click LiveLinks Designer.
Click New.
In the LiveLink Name and Label boxes, type MW Device Overview Page (GUID).
From the Category list, select Managed Services.
In the Base URL box, type the following URL: the Entity list, select Installed Product.
From the LiveLinks Parameters list, select Configuration Item Managed Workplace Device GUID.
Click Insert.
Click Save and Publish.
Now you will create the LiveLink to use for Barracuda RMM sites.In the LiveLink Name and Label boxes, type Barracuda RMM Site GUID.
In the Base URL box, type the following URL: the Category list, select Managed Services.
From the Entity list, select Company.
From the LiveLink Parameters list, select Company Managed Workplace Site GUID (UDF).
Click Insert.
Click Save and Publish.
Now you will create the LiveLink to use for Barracuda RMM tickets.In the LiveLink Name and Label boxes, type MW Ticket Device Overview Page (GUID).
From the Category list, select Managed Services.
In the Base URL box, type the following URL: the Entity list, select Ticket.
From the LiveLink Parameters list, select Configuration Item Barracuda RMM Device GUID.
Click Insert.
From the Category list, select Managed Services.
Click Save and Publish.