Barracuda RMM includes a built-in framework that allows you to set up and maintain service plans for the managed services you provide. Service plans let you plan and standardize your service offerings centrally, determining your level of involvement with the technology of each of your customers.
A service plan is a group of services that you have agreed to provide to a customer. Service plans can include any of the following:
Basic support, including Support Assistant and remote control capabilities.
Baseline or advanced monitoring and alerting.
Security services, such as patch management, Avast Antivirus, and backup and disaster recovery.
Ongoing IT maintenance through the use of automated scripts.
Reporting on work completed.
What You Can Do
With service plans, you can:
Apply the pre-built service plans in Barracuda RMM to new sites, and replace your existing monitoring configuration (if you upgraded service plans).
Modify pre-built service plans by renaming them and adding or removing services.
Monitor service plan activity, including active alerts, in the Services Dashboard.
Create executions to determine when patching, automated tasks, and Avast Antivirus scans occur at your customer sites.
The built-in service plans in Barracuda RMM provide your customers with increasing levels of service. For example, the Reactive Service Plan, the lowest level plan, includes only support and remote control services, but the Fixed Fee Service Plan, the highest level plan, includes a high level of monitoring and security services.
You can also create customized service plans, or choose not to use them entirely.
For more about the built-in service plans, see
