Email Gateway Defense reports can be generated and delivered via email on the day and time you select. For example, you can choose to have the Outbound Traffic Summary report covering the last 24 hours run each morning and emailed to you and your IT department.
This feature is only available to admin accounts at the account level. Schedules are shared across the entire account rather than on an individual admin user level.
Note that scheduled reports are only available for predefined Barracuda reports; custom reports cannot be scheduled.
Create a New Schedule for Report Creation and Delivery
In the main navigation at top-left, go to Reports > Scheduled reports.
Click the New schedule button at top-right. The New schedule flyout opens.
Fill in the required fields.
Report name – Select one of the Barracuda's reports under My reports. You can see these on the Reports page.
Time range – Select the time period you would like the report to cover. Choose between Last day (last 24 hours), Last 7 days, or Last 30 days.
Format – Currently all reports are delivered in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format.
Frequency – Choose to have the report generated and delivered either Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.
Every – (Depending on the Frequency selected, this option may not appear.) Select the week of the month that the report will be generated and delivered. Options are First, Second, Third, Fourth Last, and Specific date.
On – (Depending on the Frequency selected, this option may not appear.) Choose the day of the week that the report will be generated and delivered. Options are Sunday-Saturday.
Recipients – Enter the email addresses that will receive the report. To add more than one recipient, separate each email address with a comma and no spaces.
The report will be attached as a file in the scheduled email.
Edit an Existing Report Schedule
In the main navigation at top-left, go to Reports > Scheduled reports. The current schedules are displayed.
Click on the pencil icon
. The scheduling details flyout opens.
Change the details as needed. The report type (i.e. Inbound Traffic Summary) cannot be changed. Create a new schedule if you need one for another type of report.
Other actions
Click the three dots on the right side to do one of the following:
Disable – The scheduled report will no longer be created or delivered until it is once again enabled.
Delete – Completely removed the report creation and delivery schedule.
Open Report – Open and view the generated report. See Email Gateway Defense Reports for a description of report details.