Example 1. Drag and Drop Archiving
The provided policies allow end-users to specify that they want a message to be archived, just by dropping it into a specific folder in their mailbox. Within the next 24 hours it is moved into the archive. To retrieve a message, they can then search for it in the archive.
This requires configuration of the following areas:
- The Create folder in mailbox functionality must be enabled to create a folder called Archive Now in each mailbox. See Status Configuration Pages for more information.
- The policy DragAndDropArchiving must be scheduled to run at a convenient time (typically overnight) once every 24 hours. This searches for any messages in the Archive Now folder and archives them, leaving a message link in place of the message.
- The optional policy RemoveDragAndDropArchivingLinks must be scheduled to run some time after DragAndDropArchiving has run. This deletes the links created by the DragAndDropArchiving, if you want to do so.
If you change the name of the Archive Now folder, you must need update the policies accordingly.
Example 2. Tidy retrieved messages
The provided policy deletes any items retrieved from the archive more than a week old. Users who retrieve items typically only want to look at them on the day of retrieval, or they move them elsewhere, so this feature tidies up the remaining items.
To enable this, schedule the policy TidyRetrievedMessages to run at a convenient time (typically overnight) once every 24 hours. This searches for any messages in the Retrieved items folder over seven days old and deletes them.
If you use a name for the Retrieved items folder other than the default English language one, you must update the policy accordingly.