This article refers to the Barracuda ArchiveOne version 7.0 and higher. This article assumes you have a suitable MAPI profile. You can manually create a MAPI profile using the MFCMAPI tool, or using the Mail application in the Control Panel (version 7.2 and higher only). You must be logged on to the Archive server as the ArchiveOne service account in order to complete this article.
Use the steps in this article to configure ArchiveOne to use a static MAPI profile. If you need to set a static profile, Barracuda Networks recommends setting it for both the ArchiveOne services and the admin console.
Before Getting Started
You will need to create a suitable mail profile for use by the ArchiveOne service account. You can create a suitable profile using a number of different methods:
- Using ProfMan: How to Create a Static MAPI Profile Using the Profman Utility
- Using MFCMAPI: How to Create a MAPI Profile Using the MFCMAPI Tool
- Using the Mail application in the Control Panel (ArchiveOne version 7.2 and higher only).
Make a note of the name of the profile you have created for the ArchiveOne service account as you will need to specify the name of the profile in the ArchiveOne configuration.
ArchiveOne Version 7.3 and Higher
Complete the following steps on the ArchiveOne server:
- On the Archive server, log in using the ArchiveOne Service account (by default named ArchiveOneAdmin).
- Open the Microsoft Services console (services.msc).
- Stop and disable the following services:
ArchiveOne BMA Service
ArchiveOne Index Optimizer
ArchiveOne Journal Archiving Service
ArchiveOne PST Service
ArchiveOne Service
- Ensure you have closed all instances of the ArchiveOne admin console.
- Browse to the Local Configuration Store in C:\ProgramData\Barracuda\ArchiveOne\LocalConfigurationStore
- Open the file Service.ini in a text editor such as Notepad.
- This file contains a commented out line '; Profile=test'
- Remove the semi-colon from the start of the line and replace the word test with the name of your profile. e.g Profile=Barracuda
- Save and close the file.
- Repeat the process for the admin.ini file in the same location.
- In the Microsoft Services console (services.msc), now enable and start the following services again:
- ArchiveOne BMA Service
- ArchiveOne Index Optimizer
- ArchiveOne Journal Archiving Service
- ArchiveOne PST Service
- ArchiveOne Service
ArchiveOne Version 7.2 and Earlier
Complete the following steps on the Archive server:
- On the Archive server, log in using the ArchiveOne Service account (by default named ArchiveOneAdmin).
- Open the Microsoft Services console (services.msc).
- Stop and disable the following services:
ArchiveOne BMA Service
ArchiveOne Index Optimizer
ArchiveOne Journal Archiving Service
ArchiveOne PST Service
ArchiveOne Service
- Ensure you have closed all instances of the ArchiveOne admin console.
- Open the Registry Editor by running ‘regedit’.
- Browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\AOnePolService\Parameters
- Add a new STRING named Profile with the value as the name of the MAPI profile you want to use.
- Repeat these steps to create a new Profile key for each of the following:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AOneBMAService\Parameters
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AOneJournalService\Parameters
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AOnePSTService\Parameters
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AOneReindexService\Parameters
- Now browse to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\C2C Systems\AOne Policy\Settings
- There should be a STRING key called Profile.
- Right-click and modify this key to set its value to the name of the MAPI profile you want to use.
- Close the Registry Editor.
- In the Microsoft Services console (services.msc), now enable and start the following services again:
- ArchiveOne BMA Service
- ArchiveOne Index Optimizer
- ArchiveOne Journal Archiving Service
- ArchiveOne PST Service
- ArchiveOne Service