The customer.inf
file is a component used for unattended custom installation of the Barracuda Network Access Client / VPN Client for Windows. Remove nonessential parameters from the customer.inf
file before applying it for custom setup. The customer.inf setup is only available for the Barracuda VPN Client. It requires administrator rights on the target system.
The customer.inf File
The customer.inf
file directs the copying of required files and the insertion of registry entries. It is divided into three sections of interest (Customer Areas):
- Section 1: Customer Area / [PhionCustomerCopyFiles]
- Section 2: Customer Area / [CustomerReg]
- Section 3: Customer Area / [SourceDisksFiles]
The syntax examples below are partly arranged in abstracts only. If needed as template, see the full exemplary customer.inf
in the Template Code section at the bottom of this page.
Section 1: Customer Area / [PhionCustomerCopyFiles]
Example for section [PhionCustomerCopyFiles]:
; destination-file-name[,source-file-name][,temporary-file-name][,flag]
customer.inf,,,2 ; important, do not remove
customer.lic,,,2 ; if importing a license file
active.i_fwrule,,,2 ; if importing a firewall rule set
Optionally, the following file directives may be detailed:
Section 2: Customer Area / [CustomerReg]
This section controls the configuration of profiles set up during installation. Profile settings are saved to HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile.
The structure is the following:
------------------------------------- Registry Path
-------- Profile Path
- Profile ID
For automated VPN profile creation, the following syntax is applicable in the customer.inf
reg-root, [subkey], [value-entry-name], [flags], [value]
This section is used for creating profiles and defining default values. The following file directives may be detailed:
Section 3: Customer Area / [SourceDisksFiles]
Example for section [SoruceDisksFiles]:
; Files for disk Customer Files #1
; filename = diskid[,[ subdir][, size]]
customer.lic,,,1 ; if a license file is imported
active.i_fwrule,,,1 ; if a firewall rule set is imported
A SourceDisksFiles section names the source files used during installation, identifies the installation disks that contain these files, and provides the path to the subdirectories, if any, on the distribution disks containing individual files. The following directives are applicable: filename = diskid[,[ subdir][, size]]
In the box below, you can find template code for a customer.inf file, ready to copy and paste.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; customer.INF
; Customer Install Files
; Copyright 2008-2015 Barracuda Networks, Inc.
; For detailed information please consider the Barracuda TechLibrary
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
signature = "$Windows NT$"
provider = %ph%
%Phion% = Phion
AddReg = PhionCustomerReg
DelReg = PhionCustomerReg
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; 1, Customer Area
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; destination-file-name[,source-file-name][,temporary-file-name][,flag]
customer.inf,,,2 ; important, do not remove
customer.lic,,,2 ; if importing a phion license file
active.i_fwrule,,,2 ; if importing a firewall rule set
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; 2, Customer Area
; REG_SZ = 0x00000000
; REG_DWORD = 0x00010001
; Description:
; Certificate: AuthType (0x00010001)
; 0 -> phion authentication
; 1 -> X509 authentication
; 2 -> User / Password
; File: license (0x00000000)
; Subject: license (0x00000000)
; Microsoft Certificate Store Lookup: CertSearchOrder (0x00010001)
; 0 -> Lookup with Subject
; 1 -> Lookup with Issuer
; Use Serial Number: certserialnumber (0x00000000)
; Private Encrypt: PrivateEncrypt (0x00010001)
; Probe Encryption: ProbeEncryption (0x00010001)
; Prompt for user and password: AuthUser (0x00010001)
; Remote Server: server (0x00000000)
; Proxy Type Configuration: proxyType (0x00010001)
; 0 -> No Proxy
; 1 -> HTTP Proxy
; 2 -> Socks4
; 3 -> Socks5
; Proxy [:Port]: proxy (0x00000000)
; Proxy user: proxyuser (0x00000000)
; Domain: proxydomain (0x00000000)
; Simulate SSL: simulateSSL (0x00010001)
; Authentication algorithm: hash (0x00010001)
; 1 -> MD5
; 2 -> SHA1
; 3 -> No Hash
; 4 -> SHA256
; Encryption Algorithm: encryption (0x00010001)
; 1 -> None
; 2 -> 3DES
; 4 -> AES
; 8 -> Cast
; 16 -> Blowfish
; 32 -> DES
; 64 -> AES256
; Tunnel Mode: mode (0x00010001)
; 1 -> Reliability (TCP)
; 2 -> Response (UDP)
; 3 -> Optimized (Hybrid)
; Virtual Adapter Configuration: dhcp (0x00010001)
; 0 -> Assign IP address manually
; 1 -> Use internal DHCP assignment (default)
; 2 -> Direct assignment
; Compression: streamCompression (0x00010001)
; Use Policy Server: usePolSrv, 0x00010001
; Disconnect when user logs off: terminateIfUserLogout (0x00010001)
; One Time Password: oneTimePassword (0x00010001)
; Allow ENA Connection: allowENA (0x00010001)
; Allow Sending Offline Ruleset: allowFWRule (0x00010001)
; Save new Certificate Unattended: unattended (0x00010001)
; Silent Mode (No Keep Alive): silent (0x00010001)
; Keep Alive (seconds): timeoutAlive (0x00010001)
; Start Script: startScript (0x00000000)
; Stop Script: stopScript (0x00000000)
; Enable MS Logon: enableMSLogon (0x00010001)
; Certificate Store Flag: StoreFlags (0x00010001)
; ffffffff -> <default>
; 10000 -> Current User
; 70000 -> Current User Group Policy
; 20000 -> Local Machine
; 90000 -> Local Machine Enterprise
; 80000 -> Local Machine Group Policy
; 50000 -> Phion VPN Service
; Certificate Store: store (0x00000000)
; MY -> MY
; Root -> Root
; Trust -> Trust
; CA -> CA
; Terminate Countdown (sec.): TerminateCountdown (0x00010001)
; Show Popup: ShowPopup (0x00010001)
; Close after Connect: CloseOnConnect (0x00010001)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; reg-root, [subkey], [value-entry-name], [flags], [value]
HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn, CustomerINF, 0x00000000, "%65600%\customer.inf"
; important, do not remove
; Profile 1 Example with phion.lic (Default selected)
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\1, Default, 0x00010001, 1
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\1, dhcp, 0x00010001, 1
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\1, AuthType, 0x00010001, 0
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\1, Description, 0x00000000, "phionLIC (Default)"
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\1, license, 0x00000000, "%65600%\customer.lic"
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\1, server, 0x00000000, ""
; Profile 2 Example with extern linked X509 PKCS#12 File
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, Default, 0x00010001, 0
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, dhcp, 0x00010001, 1
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, AuthType, 0x00010001, 1
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, AuthUser, 0x00010001, 1
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, description, 0x00000000, "Extern PKCS#12"
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, license, 0x00000000, "%65600%\X509-Certificate.p12"
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, server, 0x00000000, ""
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, mode, 0x00010001, 2
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, hash, 0x00010001, 2
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, PrivateEncrypt, 0x00010001, 0
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\2, store, 0x00000000, ""
; Profile 3 Example with Microsoft Certificate Store Linked x509 Certificate
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, Default, 0x00010001, 0
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, dhcp, 0x00010001, 1
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, AuthType, 0x00010001, 1
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, AuthUser, 0x00010001, 1
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, description, 0x00000000, "MY-Store Linked x509"
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, license, 0x00000000, ""
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, server, 0x00000000, ""
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, mode, 0x00010001, 1
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, hash, 0x00010001, 1
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, PrivateEncrypt, 0x00010001, 1
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\3, store, 0x00000000, "MY"
; Profile 4 Example with phion.lic and Proxy Connection
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, Default, 0x00010001, 0
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, dhcp, 0x00010001, 1
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, Description, 0x00000000, "PhionLIC with Proxy"
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, license, 0x00000000, "%65600%\customer.lic"
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, server, 0x00000000, ""
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, Default, 0x00010001, 0
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, proxy, 0x00000000, "http://www.proxy.ip:3128"
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, proxyType, 0x00010001, 1
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, proxyuser, 0x00000000, "testUser"
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, proxydomain, 0x00000000, "PHION"
; HKU, .DEFAULT\Software\Phion\phionvpn\Profile\4, mode, 0x00000000, 1
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; install credential provider
; If you want to set the 'enableMSLogon' property in your profile (see above) you also have to install the Barracuda Credential Provider.
; Please note that values depend on your OS version (e.g. Windows 8 and newer) AND your OS architecture. (i.e. 32-bit / 64-bit)
; 32-bit operating systems
; HKCR, CLSID\{6CBB6E49-617A-4d74-AD03-B591C78DE5A3}, , 0x00000000, "CredentialProvider"
; Windows Vista/Windows 7 OR
; HKCR, CLSID\{6CBB6E49-617A-4d74-AD03-B591C78DE5A3}\InprocServer32, , 0x00000000, "CredentialProvider.dll"
; Windows 8 and newer (you must only include one line)
; HKCR, CLSID\{6CBB6E49-617A-4d74-AD03-B591C78DE5A3}\InprocServer32, , 0x00000000, "CredentialProviderWin8.dll"
; HKCR, CLSID\{6CBB6E49-617A-4d74-AD03-B591C78DE5A3}\InprocServer32, ThreadingModel, 0x00000000, "Apartment"
; HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Providers\{6CBB6E49-617A-4d74-AD03-B591C78DE5A3}, , 0x00000000, "CredentialProvider"
; HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Provider Filters\{6CBB6E49-617A-4d74-AD03-B591C78DE5A3}, , 0x00000000, "phionCredentialProviderFilter"
; HKLM, SOFTWARE\Phion\phionvpn, "CredentialProviderInstalled, 0x00010001, 1
; 64-bit operating systems
; HKCR, CLSID\{6CBB6E49-617A-4d74-AD03-B591C78DE5A3}, , 0x00001000, "CredentialProvider"
; Windows Vista/Windows 7 OR
; HKCR, CLSID\{6CBB6E49-617A-4d74-AD03-B591C78DE5A3}\InprocServer32, , 0x00001000, "CredentialProvider.dll"
; Windows 8 and newer (you must only include one line)
; HKCR, CLSID\{6CBB6E49-617A-4d74-AD03-B591C78DE5A3}\InprocServer32, , 0x00001000, "CredentialProviderWin8.dll"
; HKCR, CLSID\{6CBB6E49-617A-4d74-AD03-B591C78DE5A3}\InprocServer32, ThreadingModel, 0x00001000, "Apartment"
; HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Providers\{6CBB6E49-617A-4d74-AD03-B591C78DE5A3}, , 0x00001000, "CredentialProvider"
; HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\Credential Provider Filters\{6CBB6E49-617A-4d74-AD03-B591C78DE5A3}, , 0x00001000, "phionCredentialProviderFilter"
; HKLM, SOFTWARE\Phion\phionvpn, "CredentialProviderInstalled, 0x00010001, 1
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; 3, Customer Area
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Files for disk phion AG Customer Files #1; filename = diskid[,[ subdir][, size]]customer.inf,,,1customer.lic,,,1
; if a phionlicense file is importedactive.i_fwrule,,,
; if a firewall rule set is imported
; Do not change any attribute beyond this line!
;[DestinationDirs]PhionCustomerCopyFiles = 65600[SourceDisksNames]1 = %DiskId1%,,,""
; Localizable Strings
ph = "Phion"
DisplayClassName = "Phion Customer Files"
Phion = "Phion AG"
*Phiond.DeviceDesc = "Phion Customer Files"
Phion.DeviceDesc = "Phion Customer Files"
*Phion.DeviceDesc = "Phion Customer Files"
phionvpn.Service.DispName = "Phion Customer Files"
DiskId1 = "Phion Customer Files Disk #1"