In some cases, you might need to request a manual domain verification from Barracuda so you can scan the domain with Barracuda Vulnerability Remediation Service.
To request a manual domain verification, email
In your message, include the following information:
- your Barracuda Cloud Control email address
- the domain(s) you want to scan
- an explanation of the ownership of the domain
Barracuda will usually verify a domain manually in these cases:- The domain is very similar to another domain that does have email set up. For example, your email address is, but you are scanning
- The domain's whois record refers to a different domain that you can verify using an email address.
- The Contact page of the site refers to a different domain that you can verify using an email address.
Verifying an IP Address or Range of IP Addresses
You may request manual verification of an IP address or range of IP addresses. In this case, you or your organization must be listed as owning this IP range in ARIN.