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Barracuda Cloud Control

Managing Users in Appliance Control

  • Last updated on

Within Appliance Control, you can make some modifications to users. Most adding and modifying user information happens in Barracuda Cloud Control on the Admin > Users page. Refer to:

Editing User Information in Appliance Control

  1. Select Appliance Control in the left panel and navigate to the BASIC > User Management page.
  2. Locate the user you want to edit and click the corresponding Edit User link.
  3. In the Edit User window, you can change the following information. Click Save to save your changes.
  • Preferred Time Zone – Select the time zone in which to display all data viewed by this user.
  • User Permissions – The level of permissions granted to this specific user.
    Note: For each of these categories, permissions are based on devices for which the user has been granted access.
    • No Permissions – This user cannot view anything in the system.
    • View Dashboard Only – The user can view the Appliance Control dashboard, the single view dashboard, and group view dashboard.
    • View Reports, Logs, and Dashboard Only – The user can create and view reports, and view logs and statistics.

      Note that this user will not be able to access Barracuda Cloud Protection Layer (CPL). The user must have Barracuda Appliance Control All Actions or Account Admin privileges to access CPL.

    • All Actions The user has full access to all devices for which access is granted, but cannot manage other users or groups. Root node access to the Appliance Control Tree is required for the user connect/disconnect devices to this account.
    • Account Admin – The account has unrestricted access to all other users as well as all systems connected to Barracuda Cloud Control under this account. To have this role, the user must also be an Account Admin on Barracuda Cloud Control, specified through Barracuda Cloud Control User Management.
  • Group Permissions – Displays the user's membership list. Select one or more Groups  to which this user belongs. Use the  Group Management  page to set group permissions and specify unit access for each group. By using Groups, you can easily set the same permissions for multiple users without having to manage each user individually.

The Effective Permissions section displays the effective user permissions based on  both  the selected  User Permissions  and selected  Group Permissions .

Changing a User's Password

  1. Select Appliance Control in the left panel and navigate to the BASIC > User Management page.
  2. Locate the user you want to edit and click the corresponding Reset Password link.
    This action takes you to the Barracuda Cloud Control management. From this point, refer to How to Modify or Remove Users.