The Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK) stack is a robust log management platform. The ELK/Elastic stack is a combination of three (3) open-source tools: Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana from Elastic. Elasticsearch is used for search and data analytics, Logstash for centralized logging and parsing, Kibana for data visualizations. You can install each tool either in a different server or all three tools in one server, and integrate with your existing applications. For more information on how to install and deploy the ELK Stack, refer to the Elastic website.
Step 1: Install the ELK Stack on a Single System
- Run setup.bash on your system to install ELK Version 5 (v5).
Step 2: Configuring the ELK Stack
You can configure the ELK Stack on a system that has all the three (3) tools (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) installed, or when each tool is installed on different systems.
Configure the ELK Stack on a System that Has All ELK Tools Installed
- Edit elk_config.txt and provide the required attributes for configuring the ELK Stack.
- Run to configure the ELK Stack to integrate with the Barracuda Web Application Firewall.
Configure the ELK Stack When ELK Tools Are Installed on Different Systems
- Edit elk_config.txt and provide the required attributes for configuring the ELK Stack.
- To configure Logstash, run on the system where Logstash is installed.
- To configure Elasticsearch and Kibana, run and kibana_config.bash on the system where Elasticsearch is installed.
Configure the ELK Stack Manually
- Copy the “filter” and “output” logic from the ‘waf.conf’ file and paste it in the Logstash ‘conf’ file.
- Run ‘’ to configure Elasticsearch index templates on the system where the Elasticsearch is installed. Also, ensure that the ‘elk_config.txt’ file exists and contains required attributes.
- To view the Kibana dashboard and other objects through the Kibana web interface, perform any of the following:
- Run ‘kibana_config.bash’ on the system that has Elasticsearch installed to directly configure the Kibana index in Elasticsearch. Ensure that elk_config.txt exists and contains the required attributes.
- Upload “kibana.json” in the Kibana web interface.
For more information on how to install and deploy the ELK Stack, refer to the Elastic website.
Step 3: Configure the Barracuda Web Application Firewall to Send Logs to Logstash
- Log into the Barracuda Web Application Firewall web interface.
- Go to the ADVANCED > Export Logs page.
- In the Export Logs section, click Add Export Log Server.
- In the Add Export Log Server page, specify values for the following:
- Name – Enter a name for the export log server.
- Log Server Type – Select Syslog NG.
- IP Address or Hostname – Enter the IP address or the hostname of the Logstash or ELK server.
- Port – Enter the port number associated with the IP address of the Logstash or ELK server. By default, Logstash listens on port 1514 over UDP.
- Specify values for other parameters as required and click Add.
- In the Logs Format section, specify values for the following:
- Syslog Header– Select ArcSight Log Header.
Web Firewall Logs Format– Select Custom Format and add the log format given below:
%header LogType=%lt ServiceIP=%ai ServicePort=%ap Action=%at AttackDetails=%adl AuthenticatedUser=%au ClientIP=%ci ClientPort=%cp Method=%m Protocol=%p Referer=%r StartTime=%ta DeviceReceiptTime=%tarc URL=%u UserAgent=%ua UnitName=%un EventID=%uid ProxyPort=%pp RuleID=%ri FollowUpAction=%fa RuleType=%rt AttackGroup=%ag ProxyIP=%px SessionID=%sid
Access Logs Format – Select Custom Format and add the log format given below:
%header ServiceIP=%ai AuthenticatedUser=%au BytesReceived=%br BytesSent=%bs CertificateUser=%cu ClientIP=%ci ClientPort=%cp Cookie=%c WAF_Host=%h HTTPStatus=%s LoginID=%id LogType=%lt Method=%m Protocol=%p QueryString=%q Referer=%r ServerIP=%si ServerPort=%sp DeviceReceiptTime=%tarc StartTime=%ta URL=%u UserAgent=%ua UnitName=%un EventID=%uid ClientType=%ct Protected=%pf ProxyIP=%px ProfileMatched=%pmf WFMatched=%wmf ServicePort=%ap CacheHit=%ch ProxyPort=%pp ServerTime=%st TimeTaken=%tt ProtocolVersion=%v CustomHeader1=%cs1 CustomHeader2=%cs2 CustomHeader3=%cs3 ResponseType=%rtf SessionID=%sid
Audit Logs Format– Select Custom Format and add the log format given below:
%header LogType=%lt ObjectName=%on ObjectType=%ot AdminName=%an ClientType=%ct CommandName=%cn LoginIP=%li LoginPort=%lp DeviceReceiptTime=%tarc EventMessage=%add ChangeType=%cht UnitName=%un StartTime=%ta TransactionID=%tri NewValue=%nv OldValue=%ov Variable=%var EventID=%uid AdminRole=%ar
Network Firewall Logs Format – Select Custom Format and add the log format given below:
%header LogType=%lt SourceIP=%srci SourcePort=%srcp DestinationIP=%di DestinationPort=%dp ActionID=%act StartTime=%ta UnitName=%un Protocol=%p DeviceReceiptTime=%tarc Details=%dsc EventID=%uid
System Logs Format – Select Custom Format and add the log format given below:
%header LogType=%lt DeviceReceiptTime=%tarc EventID=%uid EventMessage=%ms UnitName=%un StartTime=%ta
6. Click Save.
Step 4: Access the Kibana Web Interface to View the Logs
- Kibana can be accessed at https://localhost:5601/app/kibana or https://<IP address used for KIBANA Installation>:5601/app/kibana.
- The Discover tab displays the logs in detail. Navigate to the Visualize and the Dashboard tabs to view the following nine (9) saved visualizations:
- Attack_Origins: Displays the geographical location from where the attacks originated.
- Attacks: Displays the attack type and the total count for the attack type in the selected time frame.
- Attacks_Last_Day: Displays all attack types and the count for all attacks in the last day.
- Attacks_Last_Hour: Displays all attack types and the count for all attacks in the last hour.
- Attacks_Total: Displays all attack types and the total count for all attacks.
- Response_Time_Graph: Displays the average response time taken by each service.
- Top_Attacked_Domains: Displays the count of top attacked domains based on the number of times each service has been attacked.
- Top_Attacked_URLs: Displays the count of top attacked URLs based on the number of times each URL has been attacked.
- User_Agents_Per_Service: Displays the count of user agents.