Barracuda Backup produces file-level backups for any data source protected with the Barracuda Backup Agent for Windows, macOS, and Linux, as well as data sources protected using network file system protocols. This includes both physical servers, guest virtual machine (VM) systems, and network-attached storage devices. File-level backups provide a greater level of granularity and control over the data that is protected and recovered than image-level or volume-level backups. With file-level backups you can recover entire systems (bare metal recovery), volumes, folders, and individual files.
Barracuda Backup is also capable of producing image-level backups for VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V VMs. When you back up VMs, Barracuda Backup copies a VM image as a whole, at a block level. Image-level VM backups do not require a backup agent to be installed in each guest VM, thus reducing the amount of time required to configure and manage the protection of these virtual environments. With image-level VM backups you can recover entire VMs and perform both file-level and instant VM recovery.