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Barracuda Firewall Insights


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Use the REPORTS page to choose from different reports that can help you keep track of data from the connected Barracuda CloudGen Firewall devices. You can either generate a report on-demand or configure Barracuda Firewall Insights to automatically generate reports. You can automatically generate reports on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis and email the reports to specific email addresses, or send them to either an FTP or SMB server that you have configured on the Barracuda Firewall Insights ADVANCED > External Servers section.


If your Barracuda Firewall Insights is sending reports via email through an email security product, such as Barracuda Email Security Gateway or Barracuda Essentials for Email Security, make sure to add the IP address of Barracuda Firewall Insights to the IP and Port Exemptions list on the BLOCK/ACCEPT > IP Block/Exempt page to prevent bad URLs from causing the emailed report to be blocked. If you are sending reports through another spam filtering device or service, make sure to allow the IP address of Barracuda Firewall Insights on that solution.

It is important to understand how time is calculated in reports. See Browse Time Reporting for more information.

You can either click directly on a report or specify filters, as discussed below, to make the report more granular.

Specifying Filtering Options


Reports and report options depend on the type of connected Barracuda Networks device. Refer to the online help for information on each report.

In the Filtering Options section, specify the following:

  • Time Frame – Select a time frame from the list, or select Custom and specify a particular Start date and time, along with a particular End date and time.
    See Understanding Time Frames and Recurring Reports for important details.

  • Output Format – Choose the output format and delivery options: HTML, PDF, Text, or CSV.
    Note: In CSV-formatted reports, bandwidth data is expressed in raw bytes, not formatted with units (KB, MB, etc.). Choose CSV format if you want to generate your own graphs or formatted reports with other tools.

  • Report On – From the list, select one or more connected Barracuda Networks devices you want reports for.

If configured, additional filtering criteria, such as country, state, and location, will be available for selection. To filter for extended box descriptors, use the additional filter to narrow down your selection. Extended box descriptors must be configured on the respective firewall to show this filtering function. For more information, see: How to Configure Custom Box Descriptors and Filter Managed Firewalls in Different Data Views in the CloudGen Firewall documentation.

This feature requires Barracuda CloudGen Firewall and Control Center version 8.3.1 or higher.

To run a report, click on the link of the desired report or specify advanced options, as discussed below.

Specifying Advanced Options

In the Advanced Options section, you can optionally specify the following:

  • Destination – Select one of the following on which to filter:

    • Domain – If selected, you can list specific domains to include in the report, or select the Exclude Specified Domains check box to exclude a domain from the report.

    • Category – If selected, you can select several categories from the drop-down list, which you can either include in the report or exclude by selecting the Exclude Selected Categories check box.

  • IP Anonymize – If selected, the IP addresses will be anonymized, e.g., becomes 10.10.20.xx.

  • Serial Number Bucketing – If selected, the data will be grouped by serial numbers.

  • Domains – Specify up to five domains to include in the report, one per line. If you enable Exclude specified domains, the entered domains will be excluded from the report.

  • Exclude Timeframe – To exclude certain times of day from report data (e.g., lunch hour or weekend days), enter the From and To times in HH:MM format and select the one or more days of the week to exclude.

  • Action – Select the check box for one or more request types that you want to include in the report results. Request types include: AllowBlockWarn, and Monitor.

  • Chart Type – For most reports, you can choose to include a graphical representation of the primary data. Select Vertical Bars , Horizontal Bars, or Pie Chart, as applicable to the report. You can only view charts when the Output Format, specified above, is either HTML or PDF.

  • Drill-Down Limit Level – There are five possible values you can enter to limit the drill-down depth of the reports. To see all records, leave the fields blank.
    For example, if you select Action = Blocked above, and enter 10 in the first Drill-Down Limit Level box and run the Top Users by Browse Time on Social Networking Sites report, the generated report will be a Top 10 Blocked Users by Browse Time on Social Networking Sites. You can further limit the report by using the next Drill-Down Limit Level box, setting it to 3, limiting drill-down results by Domains to a maximum of three domains.

To run a report, click on the link of the desired report.

Scheduling a Report

In the Schedule Report section, specify the following:

  • Report Name – Type a unique, meaningful name for this report.

  • Delivery Option – Specify how you want to receive the results of this report, Email or External Server.

  • Recipients

    • If you specified Email as the Delivery Option, specify one or more email addresses here, separated by commas.

    • External Server – If you specified External Server as the Delivery Option, select an External Server from the list.
      Specify External Servers on the ADVANCED > External Servers page. 

  • Frequency – Specify how often you want this report to run: 
    See Understanding Time Frames and Recurring Reports for important details.

    • Once – The report runs immediately.

    • Hourly – The report will run immediately, then every hour thereafter.

    • Daily – Specify the hour, in 24-hour time, when you want the report to run each day.

    • Weekly – Specify the day of the week and the hour, in 24-hour time, when you want to report to run each week.

    • Monthly – Specify the day of the month and the hour, in 24-hour time, when you want the report to run each month.

  • Disable – Specify whether the report is enabled or disabled. You might choose to temporarily disable a report

Click Schedule Report to create the report and add it to the Scheduled Reports section below.

Scheduled Reports

This section lists all of the scheduled reports you have created.

Information in the Scheduled Reports table includes:

  • Name – The name of the report, specified in the Schedule Report section.

  • Report Type – The report type, specified by selecting check boxes in the Reports sections.

  • Frequency – How often the report will run, specified in the Schedule Report section.

  • Time Frame – The time frame from which the report will use data, specified in the Filtering Options section.

  • Delivery Option – Whether the report will be sent via email or to an external server, specified in the Schedule Report section.

  • Status – Whether the report is Enabled or Disabled, specified in the Schedule Report section, described above.

Reports created to run only once are not listed in this table. If you create or edit a scheduled report to run only once, it will be listed here very briefly before it is run.

Taking Action with Scheduled Reports
  • Remove – Deletes the report from Barracuda Firewall Insights. If you think you might use this report in the future, consider marking the report as Disabled in the section above.

  • Run Now – Starts the report immediately. Does not change the reports status for future reports.

  • Edit – Opens the report for editing in the sections above. Be sure to click Save Changes in the top-right corner of the page to update the report.

Add a Custom Header

On Barracuda Firewall Insights version 1.2.1 and higher, administrators can redesign reports by customizing the report header image. To do so, upload a custom JPG or PNG image with the maximum size of 500 KB.

  1. Go to REPORTS.

  2. Click the Design Settings tab. The Report Design Settings page opens.

  3. In the New Header Image section, click Choose File and upload a custom image. Format: 1005 x 100 px.

The custom image will now replace the Barracuda header in your reports.

Further Information