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Barracuda Intronis Backup
formerly ECHOplatform

Stray File Reporting

  • Last updated on

The Stray File Report is a summary you can generate using the BackupCLI process and gives you information about stray files belonging to a specific computer account. The Stray File Report tells you the the name, file path, number of revisions, and size of each stray file. This guide will show you how to generate the Stray File Report.

You must have a Stray File Retention rule enabled for this report to work. Here are the directions for setting that up.  

Running the Stray File Report

  1. The first step in generating the report is creating the script to run the report. Make an (.xml) file and call it whatever you want, e.g. "C:\StrayFileList.xml".
  2. Type or cut and paste the following script into the newly created file and save the file.
    <Request version="4.0">
  3. Open a command prompt window and run the following command:
    “C:\Program Files (x86)\Intronis Technologies\eSureIT\BackupCLI.exe” /local /in c:\StrayfileList.xml
    In this instance, the installation path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Intronis Technologies\eSureIT however this will likely be different if you branded the Backup Agent. Also, c:\StrayfileList.xml should be substituted for the path of the script you made in step (2).
  4. After the command runs, a (.csv) file will be made in a "StrayFileReports" folder within "reports" folder of the installation directory. In the example above, that folder is located at:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Intronis Technologies\eSureIT\reports\StrayFileReports

Customizing the Stray File Report

You can change the Stray File Report script to have the Stray File Repot made in a different folder or to only include the largest files. A modified script could look like this:

<Request version="4.0">
In this example, the script will create a Stray File Report which has only the 100 largest files and will be created at D:\Folder.

Remotely Generating the Stray File Report

It is possible to generate the Stray File Report for a Backup Agent other than the one installed on the computer you are logged into. To do this, you will need to use an altered command which specifies this remote Backup Agent's account credentials. You can, however, use the same script as used before.

In this case, the command to be run is:
“c:\Program Files (x86)\Intronis Technologies\eSureIT\BackupCLI.exe” /agent “intronis:0002” /username intronis /password password123 /in c:\StrayFileList.xml

Here, the client account username and computer ID of the Backup Agent accessed remotely are intronis and 0002, respectively. The password for the computer account is password123 and the local path to the script is C:\StrayFileList.xml.

Making the Script a BAT File

To generate the Stray File Report with a (.bat) file instead of running the script manually, use the following method:

  1. In installation directory ( e.g. C:\Program Files(x86)\Intronis Technologies\eSureIT), create a (.bat) file.
  2. Type or copy and paste the following script into the newly created file:
    BackupCLI.exe /local /xml "<GenerateStrayFileReport><value><NumberOfStrayFiles/><SaveLocation/></value></GenerateStrayFileReport>"