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Barracuda CloudGen Access

General Parameters

  • Last updated on

These parameters are shared by various sources: Google Workspace, Microsoft Entra ID, Okta Directory, MSAD/LDAP, etc. Source-specific parameters are listed in each source article.  

The following override mechanisms will be processed in order, the last override representing the final value:

  1. Default value
  2. config.json file on the CWD of the service process
  3. Docker-provisioned secret (/run/secrets/<key>)
  4. AWS SSM (all keys prefixed with the value from the ‘prefix’ key; disable check with env variable DISABLE_AWS_SSM=1 )
  5. AWS SecretsManager (all keys prefixed with the value from the ‘prefix’ key; disable check with env variable DISABLE_AWS_SEC_MANAGER=1 )
  6. Environment variable, prefixed with FYDE_, all caps and replacing dashes ( - ) with underscores ( _ ).
  7. Command-line arguments in long-form notation like ‘--example’, all keys underscores converted to dashes.

The following is a complete list of all configuration parameters used by this program.

api_ca_validationTrueboolValidate the TLS certificates of the API server
api_timeout60intTimeout to fail a connection to the API server
dry-runFalseboolThis flag will run all the synchronization and delta calculation steps, but it will not send the changes over to the Enterprise Console.
enrollment_tokenNonestringEnrollment token provided by the CloudGen Access Console
force-full-syncFalseboolForce a full sync of the directory source.
stringGroup import filtering (regex). Note that all groups are still imported. This will filter the users that are imported.
stringGroup import filtering (regex). Note that all groups are still imported. This will filter the users that are imported.
stringUse HTTP proxy. Example: or socks5://
stringUse HTTPS proxy. Example: or socks5://
live_test_timeout30intLiveness of the redis data for active jobs in server_mode. If data about a pending job is not refreshed by the end of this timeout, the system considers the connector instance handling the job has died and cleans up the associated data.
stringLog file to send all output. It is also sent to stderr by default.
loglevelinfostringLog level to use. Valid values error/warning/info/debug
only-matched-groupsTrueboolDecides if it should push only groups that match the group filters, or all of them.
prefixfyde_stringDefine the prefix used for keys stored in AWS SSM and AWS SecretsManager
prometheusFalseboolPrometheus metrics for the connector
prometheus_port9000intPrometheus port
run_onceFalseboolRun only one sync cycle and exit
server_host127.0.0.1stringIP address to listen to for requests when running in server_mode
server_modeFalseboolRun connector in microservice mode
server_port8000intPort to listen in server_mode
sync_cycle900intTime to wait between sync cycles
sync_error_backoff30intTime to wait before retrying a failed sync attempt
sync_job_completion30intTime to wait between polls to confirm a sync job has been processed
stringUser import filtering (regex). Note that all groups are still imported. This will filter the users that are imported.
stringUser import filtering (regex). Note that all groups are still imported. This will filter the users that are imported.