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Barracuda CloudGen Firewall

CudaLaunch for iOS and Android

  • Last updated on

CudaLaunch for mobile offers secure remote access to your organization's applications and data from mobile devices. It is available for iOS and Android devices via the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Full-device VPN uses the same VPN group policy. CudaLaunch on Android uses Barracuda Networks' TINA VPN client; CudaLaunch on iOS manages the built-in IPsec VPN client. To evaluate CudaLaunch without having to set up the CloudGen Firewall services, log in with the demo user credentials.

Firewall Firmware Requirements

To use all the available CudaLaunch features, the firewall must run the latest matching firmware version. CudaLaunch for iOS and Android is also supported for older firmware versions, starting with 6.2, but not all CudaLaunch features may be available.

Before You Begin

Download and Install CudaLaunch

Download and install CudaLaunch on your device:

Logging into CudaLaunch

To log in, you must have the following information:

  • Hostname or IP address – The IP address or FQDN resolving to the public IP address the firewall's SSL VPN service is listening on.
  • Username
  • Password

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Web Apps

Swipe to the Apps tab. To launch a web app, tap on the icon. Frequently used web apps can be added to the Favorites tab for easy access.

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VPN Apps

VPN Apps establish a secure client-to-site VPN connection to access the remote service behind the firewall. To launch the VPN connection from the Apps screen, tap the icon associated with it. The connection is launched using the default browser of the device, and the user can access internal resources. As soon as the VPN connection is established, the connection indicator of the icon changes to green.

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Click the VPN Connections tab to verify the status of the connection. To relaunch the VPN App in the default browser, tap Relaunch. To disconnect, tap Disconnect. When the VPN connection is terminated, the connection indicator of the icon changes to gray.

Full-device VPN

Swipe to the VPN Connections tab. Tap on one of the VPN connection profiles that are either stored on your device or made available by the admin through SSL-VPN VPN templates. The key symbol in the taskbar is displayed as long as you are connected to the VPN. Settings for the VPN connection can be changed in the Option menu under VPN Profiles. Changes to the VPN templates by the administrator are automatically synced to the mobile device. Full-device VPN connections can be used by all native apps on your device, not just CudaLaunch.

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Dynamic Firewall Rules

Dynamic firewall rules allow users with the proper permissions to enable access rules for a specific time period. Tap the Option menu in CudaLaunch to access the Dynamic Firewall Rules screen. When the time limit is reached, firewall sessions matching this rule are terminated.

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Network Places

Users can access network shares via SSL VPN network place resources. Swipe right until the available network shares are displayed. Tap on a share to open the share. You must have the appropriate network share permissions to be able to access the share. Tap a file to download it to your device. In the upper-right corner, click the upload icon to upload a file to your network share.

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Setting User Attributes

User attributes are user-specific placeholder values used for web apps. User attributes can be filled/changed in the Options menu of CudaLaunch. When a web app is launched the first time, the user is requested to fill in the user attributes. To fill in or change a user attribute, tap Settings in the Options menu of CudaLaunch. Tap on Personal Settings to see a list of the user attributes for your user.

For more information, see How to Use and Create Attributes.

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Logging off

To log out of CudaLaunch, expand the options menu on the top left, and then select Log Out.