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Barracuda MSP App

Importing CSV Files for Exclusion

  • Last updated on

To import CSV Files for Exclusions, perform the following steps.

  1. Access the User Billing List, See Accessing the User Billing List.
    The User Billing List is displayed.

    campus userbillinglistlicenses.png
  2. Click the Import Exclusions CSV button.

    image2022-3-8 13:10:15.png
    Note: Maximum list entries are 1000. All entries must be lower case.
    The Open window displays available CSV files.

    image2022-7-28 8:15:42.png
  3. Select your file and click Open.
    After the file is successfully imported, the following message is displayed.

    image2022-7-28 8:17:32.png
  4. Click Close.
  5. In the case of a user mismatch between exclusions that already exist in the Usage Audit Listings and are also in the CSV file, the following message is displayed.

    image2022-7-28 8:17:58.png
  6. Click Download.
    A new CSV file is downloaded containing only the mismatches users.