This section provides the following topics:
- Input Parameters
- Output Parameters
- Returned Status Codes
- Error codes
Input Parameters
The following table provides the input parameters and descriptions.
Input Parameter | Description |
enable | Boolean parameter specifying whether to enable or disable the LV. If this parameter is false, which means the LV is disabled, it is not allowed to fill in the other parameters (they are not applicable when the local vault is disabled). |
path | LV path. Local or UNC. If UNC, optionally, username and password can be provided via the credential’s parameter, so that the agent can authenticate to that location. Can only be specified when "enable" is set to "true". |
credentials | Used together with the path, if the paths is a network share. Can only be specified when "enable" is set to "true". |
sync | Boolean parameter that defines whether the Cloud data is synced (downloaded) to the LV, in case it's missing. Can only be specified when "enable" is set to "true". |
asyncupload | Boolean parameter defining whether Async upload is enabled (all the data is backed up to the local vault first, and to Cloud asynchronously behind the scenes). If asyncupload is set as true, then sync should be true as well. Can only be specified when "enable" is set to "true". |
Command example
POST https://<environment>/v2/accounts/<account>/computers/<computer>/settings/advanced/apply
"localVault": {
"enable": true,
"path": "\\server\share\localVault1",
"credentials: {
"userName": "testuser",
"password": "pass1
"sync": true,
"asyncupload" : true
Output Parameters
Online operation: Response status: 200 OK
Offline operation: The output is an id of the operation, which can be used to track completion status via the command below.
Response status: 202 Accepted
Response example
"data": {
"id": "1"
Returned Status Codes
The following table provides the returned status codes.
Returned Status Codes | Description |
200 | The request was successful. |
202 | The request was accepted and is processed when the agent is online. The returned id can be used to check the status of the operation. |
400 | Validation errors. |
401 | Authentication errors. |
Result of the operation
Status can be obtained via the command below The status is either success or error, also providing the reason for the failure.
GET https://<environment>/v2/accounts/<account>/computers/<computer>/action/{id}/status
Error Codes
The reason for the failure can be matched to one of the error codes below:
- Running_Actions_PreventPreferencesUpdate - cannot update preferences while Backups, Restores or Deletes are running
- Running_Actions_FailedToAcquireLock - critical error, failed to acquire lock for the operation (this never happens)
Network shares only:
- BackupSetActions_NetworkShareInaccessible - network share address could not be reached
- BackupSetActions_NetworkPathNotFound - the network path could not be found
- BackupSetActions_NetworkShareInvalidAuth - username + password combination failed authentication
- BackupSetActions_NetworkShareNoWritePermissions - username and password ok, but no write permissions for the provided username on that share.
- CreateFolderFailed: general error. Most likely a local volume is read only or cannot be written to due to permissions on the local file system