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Barracuda Intronis Backup
formerly ECHOplatform

Concurrent Workers APIs

  • Last updated on

This endpoint can be used by third-party applications to update the number of workers, of a given type, for a particular subaccount.

Authentication is done using Oauth and is set using the 'Authorization' header.


The token can be obtained by using the client id & secret of your account and replacing them in the request example below (for U.S.).

For U.K. use


curl -X POST "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "client_id=221012780e866a0d1e739cfc57a56a35&client_secret=89955490fb42b01b730ef66ad7cef1bf&grant_type=none&scope=accounts_read%2Baccounts_write%2Bcomputers_read%2Bcomputers_write"

Update Workers

This is a POST request and its body should be in a JSON format. The following list contains the valid keys for this request:

  • FileWorkers : integer
  • PhysicalImagingWorkers : integer
  • HyperVWorkers : integer
  • VMwareWorkers : integer
  • ExchangeMailboxWorkers : integer
  • PerformanceWorkers : integer

The number of workers used can be set between 1 and the number of cores the system has, or 8, whichever is lower. For all worker types, except performance workers, the options are 1-5. Performance workers allow 1-8. If a number is chosen that is higher than the number of cores present the same logic is used as the portal.


Update worker values for subaccount '0000' under the account 'test_account':

curl --request POST \

--url http://site url/accounts/test_account/computers/0000/settings/apply \

--header 'accept: application/json' \

--header 'authorization: Oauth f759d704ead9eb61c41c2334a20f657e ' \

--header 'content-type: application/json' \

--data '


    "Workers" : {

        "FileWorkers": 2,

        "PhysicalImagingWorkers": 2,

        "HyperVWorkers": 2,

        "VMwareWorkers": 2,

        "ExchangeMailboxWorkers": 2,

        "PerformanceWorkers": 2





A 202-Accepted with an empty body.