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Barracuda Intronis Backup
formerly ECHOplatform

Browsing Disk Image Standard for Volume Restoration API

  • Last updated on

This section provides the following topics:

  • Browse Volumes to be Restored
  • Browse Disk Image Standard for Volume Revision Restoration

Browse Volumes to be Restored

This section provides the following topics:

  • Return values
  • Parameter description
Return Values

Return values include:

  • the array of each volume available to restore, and
  • information regarding the latest (most recent) revision of that volume

The most recent revision id can be used for an immediate restore. If a different revision is required, a further call to Browse revisions is required. By using the DeviceId of the volume from this API's response you can browse other revisions.


The return values for two volumes are displayed below.

Note that the Boot volume requires System reserved. The example below does not return the System Reserved volume. Instead, the API automatically selects the system reserved associated with the boot volume's selected revision (since they are always a pair during backup time, restore also requires both boot and system reserved to be restored).



        "Id": 3489,

        "DeviceId": "\\\\?\\Volume{01abf2fd-0000-0000-0000-100000000000}\\",

        "DriveLetter": "F:",

        "Label": "New Volume",

        "DateTime": "2019-11-19T12:52:48.9413133+02:00",

        "Capacity": 103076069376,

        "UsedSpace": 411872,

        "IsBoot": false



        "Id": 3511,

        "DeviceId": "\\\\?\\Volume{7bc7ca28-0000-0000-0000-501f00000000}\\",

        "DriveLetter": "C:",

        "Label": "",

        "DateTime": "2019-11-20T11:54:58.3015942+02:00",

        "Capacity": 106847797248,

        "UsedSpace": 38220508710,

        "IsBoot": true



Parameter Descriptions

The following table provides the paraments and descriptions.




Id of the most recent revision of the volume. You can use this id to initiate a restore of the most recent revision, without browsing revisions. If you require a different revision than latest, a further request to browse revisions is needed.


Date of the latest revision.


Windows volume device id, use this parameter for browsing the revisions of this volume later via a request to api/diskimage/standard/restore/browse/volumes/revisions.


Windows drive letter, at the time of the most recent revision.


Windows volume label, at the time of the most recent revision (may be empty).


Volume total capacity in bytes, at the time of the most recent revision.


Volume used space in bytes, at the time of the most recent revision.


True for the boot volume; false otherwise.

Browse Disk Image Standard for Volume Revision Restoration

This section provides the following topics:

  • Input Parameters
  • Parameter Descriptions
 Input Parameters

deviceid of a volume previous obtained via a Browse Volumes api call.

For example: "deviceId": \\\\\\Volume{01abf2fd-0000-0000-0000-100000000000}\\

Example POST


Endpoint: https://{RestApiHost}/v2/accounts/{username}/computers/{computer}/restore/diskimage/standard/browse/volumes/revisions

Query param: deviceId (value of browseId or deviceId from browse volumes command)

Example Request


Method: GET


    Authorization: Oauth TOKEN

    Accept: application/json

    Content-Type: application/json

Require scope: computers_read


Response code for successful request: 200 OK

Response Example

   "data": [

      "id": 28,

      "parentId": 27,

      "driveLetter": "E:",

      "label": "New Volume",

      "size": 7614480672,

      "dateTime": "2020-02-21T05:27:17.5461126-05:00",

      "backupType": 100




Parameter Descriptions

The following table provides the paraments and descriptions.




ID of the revision. Use this Id for a future Restore operation. Choose only a single revision per volume.


ID of the parent of this revision ( can be used for hierarchical display, for the example above, the Id = 3488 is the full revision, and its child incremental revision is Id=3489, because the ParentId of 3489 is 3488.

Note that the parent of the full revision is not null, but the integer value can be ignored (it points to an internal structure not useful for this API).


Volume drive letter.


Volume label (can be empty).


Date of the revision.


Size of the revision in bytes.

Example Return Values

Array of the revisions available to restore for the specified volume.

The following example shows the return values for a volume.



        "Id": 3489,

        "ParentId": 3488,

        "DriveLetter": "F:",

        "Label": "New Volume",

        "Size": 411872,

        "DateTime": "2019-11-19T12:52:48.9413133+02:00"



        "Id": 3488,

        "ParentId": 3487,

        "DriveLetter": "F:",

        "Label": "New Volume",

        "Size": 7614480672,

        "DateTime": "2019-11-19T12:24:13.250099+02:00"

