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Barracuda CloudGen Firewall

How to Configure Avira Virus Scanning

  • Last updated on

To configure Avira virus scanning on the Barracuda CloudGen Firewall, specify which threats the engine should scan for. You can define settings for the following features:  

  • Archive Scanning – Define the settings for compressed scanning archives.
  • Malware Detection – In addition to detecting viruses, Avira can also detect malware, spyware, and bandwidth wasters. Specify which of these threats the engine should scan for.
  • Engine-Specific Options – Specify an email address to receive license notifications, and specify a quarantine directory for Avira.
  • HTTP Multimedia Streaming – Because the Virus Scanner service downloads an entire file before scanning and delivering it, some audio or video streams cannot be accessed. Enable content streaming by disabling virus scanning for specific DNS domains.

Updates of the Avira engine are done automatically. For instructions on how to perform manual pattern updates, see How to Configure Offline Pattern Updates for the Control Center.

Before You Begin

Before configuring Avira virus scanning, activate the Virus Scanner service. For more information, see How to Enable the Virus Scanner.

Configure Virus Scanning

  1. Go to CONFIGURATION > Configuration Tree > Box > Assigned Services > Virus-Scanner > Virus Scanner Settings.
  2. In the left menu, select Avira.
  3. Set Scan Archives to yes to enable the archive scan.
  4. Expand the Configuration Mode menu on the left and select Switch to Advanced.
  5. In the Avira Archive Scanning section, define the following archive scanning settings:
    • Max. Scan Size (MB) – The maximum size for a file to be scanned (default:1024). If an archive is scanned the largest uncompressed file in the archive may not exceed this limit. Set to 0 to disable this limit. Disabling the limit may result in high system load.

    • Max. Nesting Depth – The maximum nesting level for the archives (default: 20). If a limit is not required, enter 0 (zero).

    • Max. Compression Ratio – The maximum allowed decompression ratio for the archives (default: 150). The maximum compression ratio is calculated by dividing the size of the largest file in the archive by the size of the unextracted archive. Disabling the max compression rate limit removes protection from ZIP bombs. ZIP bombs use very high compression ratios causing the virus scanner to run out of resources when it attempts to decompress it.

    • Max. File Count – The maximum number of files that can be stored in an archive (default: 10000). If a limit is not required, enter 0 (zero).
    • Block Encrypted Archives – To block encrypted archives, select yes.

      If the archive contains file types like .zip, .rar, .exe, .iso, .tar, .tgz, .cab, .msi, .btn, etc., it is possible that one of these files is encrypted (virus scanner message: Encrypted archives are blocked). In this case, the virus scanner will block the whole archive. To disable blocking of encrypted archives, select no.

    • Block on Error – As some services, such as Google Play updates, may deliver partial archives for updates to save bandwidth, set Block on Error to No. When enabled, the virus scanner blocks archives that cause errors while they are decompressing.
    • Block Unsupported Archives – To block archives that cannot be decompressed because their formats are unsupported, select yes.

      The following archive types are supported: ZIP, ZIP-Sfx, ARJ, ARJ-Sfx, TAR, GZ, ZOO, UUEncode/XXEncode, TNEF, MIME, BinHex, MSCompress, MS CAB, LZH/LHA, LZH/LHA Sfx, RAR, RAR-Sfx, JAR, BZ2, ACE, ACESfx.

  6. To configure malware detection, specify the types of malware that the engine should scan for in the Avira Non-Virus Detection section.

  7. To configure engine-specific options, configure the following parameters in the Avira Misc. Options section:

    • Contact Email Address – The email address to receive notifications on when the license will expire.
    • Quarantine directory – The path to the directory where infected files should be placed.

    • Keep file in Quarantine (Days) – The number of days for files to be kept in the Quarantine directory (default: 0).
  8. Click Send Changes and Activate.

Configure HTTP Multimedia Streaming

To enable content streaming, disable virus scanning for specific DNS domains.

  1. Go to CONFIGURATION > Configuration Tree > Box > Assigned Services > Virus-Scanner > Virus Scanner Settings.
  2. In the left menu, select Content Scanning.
  3. Click Lock.
  4. In the Scan Exceptions table, add an entry for each DNS domain that should not be scanned:
    1. Enter a name for the entry and click OK.
    2. In the Allowed MIME types table, add an entry for each MIME type that should not be scanned.

      To determine the MIME type for a file, enable the debug log and check the cas log files.

      To enable the debug log, go the Virus Scanner Settings - Basic Setup page. In the Debug Log Level field, enter 1

    3. In the Domain field, enter the domain name.
  5. Click Send Changes and Activate.