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Barracuda CloudGen Firewall

Available Log Files and Structure

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The CloudGen Firewall creates log files for system processes, box services, and configured services such as Forwarding Firewall, HTTP Proxy, VPN, etc. Logging is processed according to system and service settings.


ServiceLog FileDescription
AuthBox\Auth\accessProvides informational log files about login and access attempts to the CloudGen Firewall, displaying access source, and opening and closing of sessions.
Box\Auth\activationDisplays log files concerning process activation and provide information about message board configuration and details.
AzureBox\Azure\eventsContains events for Azure Event Hub connections.
CloudBox\Cloud\controlProvides logs files for the Azure and AWS cloud integration features.
ConfigBox\Config\MC-updateProvides informational log files about PAR file processing, updates, and process activation on managed firewalls.
Box\Config\HA-updateDisplays notification logs about HA startup/shutdown and provides information about HA operations, such as configuration, updates, and changes.

Contains log files about login, authentication, and connection status of administrative sessions by displaying IP address and port, and shows the operative processes initiated by the administrative instance.

Box\Config\changesDisplays informational logs about processes concerning configuration changes such as adding or removing services and activation processes.
Box\Config\conftoolDisplay informational logs about processes concerning internal activation and database processes.
Box\Config\daemonContains log files about processes initiated by the configuration daemon such as loading processes, configuration checks, cache generation, and session termination.
Box\Config\daemon_downloadContains log files about downloading processes initiated by the configuration daemon, providing information concerning progress, changes, and signatures.
Box\Config\provisionContains log files concerning Azure Cloud provisioning, if configured.
Box\Config\shellDisplays notification logs about shell operations, providing information concerning admin permissions and account settings.
Box\Config\syncDisplays log files concerning synchronization processes, showing connection details, update status, and progress.
ControlBox\Control\AuthServiceContains log files for administration, authentication processes, and access information concerning user groups, access interfaces, and domains of external authentication services.
Box\Control\AuthService_dcclientContains log files for administration, authentication processes, access information concerning user groups, access interfaces, and domains of the Barracuda DC Client.
Box\Control\TelemetryDisplays the performance and usage data sent to the Barracuda telemetry servers.
Box\Control\adminDisplays informational logs about connection processes such as login, source address, and box service processes.
Box\Control\daemonContains log files about security status checks initiated by the control daemon and displays controld processes.
EventBox\Event\apnsDisplays process logs concerning the Apple Push Certificate provider for mobile devices (APNS).
Box\Event\eventSContains log files generated by security events. For more information, see Security Events.
Box\Event\operativeContains log files generated by operational events. For more information, see Operational Events.
FirewallBox\FirewallDisplays log files concerning general firewall configuration changes, ruleset updates, including operation details and time settings.

Displays firewall log files providing in-depth information about firewall rule processing. All entries of this log file are pipe separated information. Depending on the configured setting, they are in the format ...|key=value|key=value|... or ...|value|value|... format. For information how to alter between both formats, see General Firewall Configuration.

  • Time –  Timestamp of the respective log entry.
  • Type  – Information about the Type of log entry. E.g. Security or Info
  • Action – Information about the action taken according to the firewall ruse set configuration.
  • type  – Information about the origin type of traffic and ruleset used.
    • LIN – Local In. The incoming traffic on the host firewall.
    • LOUT – Local Out. The outgoing traffic from the host firewall.
    • LB – Loopback. The traffic via the loopback interface.
    • FWD – Forwarding. The outbound traffic via the forwarding firewall.
    • IFWD – Inbound Forwarding. The inbound traffic to the firewall.
    • PXY – Proxy. The outbound traffic via the proxy.
    • IPXY – Inbound Proxy. The inbound traffic via the proxy.
    • TAP – Transparent Application Proxying. The traffic via stream forwarding.
    • LRD – Local Redirect. Redirected traffic configured in forwarding ruleset.
  • proto –The protocol that was used. For example, TCP, UDP, or ICMP.
  • srcIF – The source network interface of the session.
  • srcIP – The source IP address of the session.
  • srcPort – The source port of the session.
  • srcMAC – The MAC address of the session's source network interface.
  • dstIP – The destination IP address of the session.
  • dstPort – The destination port of the session.
  • dstService – The destination service of the session.
  • dstIF – The destination network interface of the session.
  • rule – The name of the firewall rule processing the session.
  • Info – Operational information for the session.
  • srcNAT – Source NAT address of the session.
  • dstNAT – Destination NAT address of the session.
  • duration – Duration of the session.
  • count – Number of sessions processed.
  • receivedBytes – Received traffic of a session in bytes.
  • sentBytes – Sent traffic of a session in bytes.
  • receivedPackets – Received traffic of a session in packets.
  • sentPackets – Received traffic of a session in packets.
  • user – The name of the user, if the session was handled by a firewall rule that requires authentication.
  • protocol – The protocol of a session. For example, TCP, UDP, or ICMP.
  • application – The application context of a session.
  • target – The application target.
  • content – The application content.
  • urlcat – The URL category the session belongs to.

ECHO sessions can be distinguished using the ICMP identifier; however, the ICMP protocol does not recognize port numbers. In the case of ICMP ECHO packets, the ICMP identifier will therefore be recognized instead of the port number even if source and destination for TCP and UDP contain port numbers.

Box\Firewall\IPSDownloadContains log files generated by the Intrusion Prevention System, showing database file download status and information.
Box\Firewall\Rule-<no-match>Displays firewall log files providing information about firewall rule processing of traffic not applicable to firewall policies.
Box\Firewall\appid_statContains log files generated by Application Control, showing system processes related to applications, including configuration and download information.
Box\Firewall\appid_urlcatContains log files generated by Application Control's URL Filter, showing system processes related to Application Control's URL Filter processes, including configuration and download information.
Box\Firewall\authDisplays informational log files about processes initiated by the fwauth daemon, providing information concerning authentication, such as listening IP address and port.
Box\Firewall\syncDisplays log files concerning firewall HA synchronization processes, showing connection details, update status, and progress.
Box\Firewall\threatDisplays log files generated by ATP, IPS, and DNS Sinkhole.
LogsBox\Logs\bsyslogContains box log files created by bsyslog.
Box\Logs\logdContains box log files created by logd.
Box\Logs\logstorContains box log files created by logstor.
Box\Logs\logwrapdContains box log files created by logwrapd.
Box\Logs\psyslogContains box log files created by psyslog.
NetworkBox\Network\QoSProvides network-related log files about processes such as Quality of Service configuration and traffic shaping.

Provides log files related to network activation and changes, displaying internal processes such as routing table, cache and interface status and details.

Box\Network\dhcpDisplays network-related log files created by the dhcp service, such as link detection and worker-related processes.
Box\Network\dhcpdDisplays log files about the dhcp configuration and provides information about broadcasts and the status and progress of dhcp request.
Box\Network\shapingProvides informational log files about processes related to VPN traffic shaping status and processes.
Box\Network\pppdDisplays network-related log files created by the xDSL service, such as link detection and worker-related processes.
Box\Network\umtsDisplays network-related log files created by the Wireless WAN service, such as link detection and worker-related processes.


Box\REST\controlREST calls to the control daemon.


REST calls to the firewall service.
Box\REST\restdLog files for the REST daemon.
RESTdBox\RESTdREST calls to box level services and queries.
ReleaseBox\Release\UpdateServerContains log files about processes related to Barracuda security subscriptions and Barracuda Networks update server reachability.
Box\Release\updateContains log files about processes related to release updates.
Box\Release\update_hotfixDisplays informational log files about processes related to release updates including hotfixes.

Displays informational log files about processes related to release checks.

SSHBox\SSH\configDisplays log files about internal processes that are generated by the box ssh daemon, such as startup, read and write operations, etc.
Box\SSH\sshdDisplays log files about internal processes that are generated by the box ssh daemon, such as connection details, data transfer, and session behavior.
SettingsBox\SettingsDisplays log files concerning the box settings configuration, and displays information and error logs in case of box configuration failures.
SettingsBox\Settings\DNSDisplays informational log files about the box DNS settings configuration and notifies about DNS operations such as address assignment and zone-related processes.
Box\Settings\timeContains log files related to NTP, displaying information about time server configuration, connection status, and synchronization processes.
Box\Settings\activationProvides log files related to box settings configuration activation and changes, displaying the process details.
SnmpBox\Settings\SnmpProvides informational log files about startup and working status of the box snmp service and shows the details (pid, etc.).
StatisticsBox\Statistics\cstatdDisplays log files related to cstatd including information about statistics files collection processes created by cstatd.
Box\Statistics\distdDisplays log files related to distatd including login information, connection details, and processes created by distatd.
Box\Statistics\qstatdDisplays log files related to qstatd, showing information about Control Center statistics querying processes.
SystemBox\System\bootContains log files related to boot processes including release consistency checks.
Box\System\bootloaderContains informational log files related to boot loader operations such as system startup processes and configuration checks.

Displays informational log files created by the cron daemon and notifies about executed services and commands.

Box\System\klogdContains system related log files created by clogd.
Box\System\messagesContains system log files related to messages.
Box\System\mgmaccessContains system log files related to management access.
Box\System\phionrcContains system-related log files created by phionrc.
Box\System\powersupplyContains system log files related to power supply.
Box\System\syslogContains system-related log files created by the syslog daemon.
Box\System\tuningContains system log files related to system tuning.
WatchdogBox\Watchdog\configContains log files created by Watchdog providing general information about the Watchdog configuration.
Box\Watchdog\monitorContains log files created by Watchdog providing monitoring details.
Box\Watchdog\repairContains log files created by Watchdog providing information about repair processes.
Box\Watchdog\smartdContains log files created by Watchdog providing information about smartd processes.


These logs are documented with the Reports_ prefix. They include entries that are carried out in continuous intervals, such as cronjobs.

ServiceLog FileDescription

Contains reporting log files related to network activity providing information about network checks.

StatisticsReports\Network\Statistics\statcookContains reporting log files related to statistics cooking.
procparReports\procparContains reporting log files created by procpar.
changesReports\changesContains reporting log files related to configuration changes.
treemigrationReports\treemigrationContains log files including entries that are carried out in continuous intervals, such as cronjobs.

Fatal Errors

All fatal errors that can occur on a CloudGen Firewall are, in addition to the original log file, collected in the Fatal section. The original log file is added in the fatal log message text as a prefix.

Assigned Services

The Assigned Services node contains the following log files if the services are present:

ServiceLog FileDescription

Displays notification logs about Forwarding Firewall startup/shutdown with the location path and provides information about firewall operations, such as configuration loading, updates, and changes. Further logs in this section provide information on installation of updated settings and firewall rules.

<FW>\ContentProvides informational log files about the loading process of the Forwarding Firewall ruleset.
<FW>\CustomExternalImportLog files containing information about importing and setting the custom external network objects. On cloud firewalls these imports are handled automatically by the cloud-initstart process.
<FW>\SSLDisplays log files concerning SSL Inspection, notifies about the SSL Inspection progress and working state, and displays information and error logs in case of detections, errors, or certificate failures.

Contains log files about opening, connection status, and closing of firewall sessions, displaying IP address and port of the connected clients and peers. Information is displayed in case of login failures, file requests, and transactions concerning fwauth, errors or SSL certificate failures.

<FW>\sipproxyProvides log files concerning startup, activation of child processes, and socket opening of the SIP Proxy, and displays informational log files in case of network interface changes.
HTTP Proxy<HTTP>\accessContains log files created by the HTTP Proxy service, providing information about access paths of destinations.

Displays log files about the proxy cache and informs about caching processes, such as cache initialization, starting the Squid cache, adding domain and name server, creating sockets and directories, connecting to access cache workers, memory, scanning, etc.

<HTTP>\controlSquidInforms about the Squid cache version at startup, displays parent and child processes with process ID and path, and shows log files about Squid cache operations.
<HTTP>\guiProvides informational log files about proxy GUI worker startup and shows the maximum fail cache age.
Anti Virus<VIR>\AV

Contains log files created by AVIRA antivirus, providing engine and VDF version, and displays information about virus scanning, threat detections, and actions.

URL Filter<URL>\CofsdProvides log files about the Web Filter service, showing information about licensing, and URL filtering processes and actions.
OSPF-RIP-BGP<DYNBO2>\accessContains log files created by dynamic routing protocols such as OSPF, RIP, or BGP.
VPN<VPN>\VPNProvides informational log files about the status of VPN sessions, showing tunnel transport, keying, and updates, and displays notifications in case of tunnel and transport failure.
<VPN>\ikev2Contains notification log files created by the VPN service, providing debugging information related to IPsec if debugging mode for IKEv2 is enabled in the VPN settings.
<VPN>\ikeContains notification log files created by the VPN service, providing debugging information related to IPsec if debugging mode for IKE is enabled in the VPN settings.
<VPN>\pptpdContains notification log files created by the VPN service, providing information related to pptpd.
<VPN>\sslvpnContains log files created by SSLVPN, displaying configuration, tunnel transport, and keying details.
CloudGen Access Proxy<CGAPRX>

Provides log files created by the CloudGen Access Proxy service and shows information related to access key checks, configuration, and starts and stops of the service.


Provides log files created by the DHCP service and shows information about DHCP processes, requests, and IP address assignment.

DHCP Relay<DHCP-Relay>Provides log files created by the DHCP Relay service, displaying processes and packet transmission details.
DNS<DNS>Contains log files created by the DNS service providing information about DNS configuration, listening interfaces, and DNS zone activity and processes.
Wi-Fi<Wi-Fi>Contains log files created by the Wi-Fi service providing information about Wi-Fi configuration including status, keying, and driver processes.
SNMP<SNMP>Provides log files created by the SNMP service, displaying access control information details and system processes for attached devices.
Secure Web Proxy<S-PROXY>Displays log files created by the Secure Web Proxy and informs about web filtering processes and actions such as allowing and denying URL requests if configured.
Access Control Service<Access Control>\<SSH>Provides log files created by the Access Control service and shows information about access control policy processing and monitored actions and registry checks according to the configured log level.
acs\acsProvides log files created by the Access Control service and shows information about access control policy processing and monitored actions and registry checks according to the configured log level.
acs\guiDisplays informational log files about Access Control service eventing processes.
acs\matcherDisplays informational log files about access control policy changes.

Assigned Services CC

The Assigned Services node on the Control Center contains the following log files if the services are present:

ServiceLog FileDescription
CC-Access-Control-ServiceACCESSContains information about access to the Control Center via several connection methods, e.g., login, file access, or GUI.
CC-Audit-ServiceAudLogContainer directory for logs that are created on managed boxes and transferred to the Control Center.
AudLog\AudLogContains information from the worker process that handles auditing logs from boxes managed by the Control Center.
AudLog\adminContains information about administrative events relating to auditing tasks on CC level.
FirewallCCFWDisplays notification logs about Forwarding Firewall startup/shutdown with the location path and provides information about firewall operations, such as configuration loading, updates, and changes. Further logs in this section provide information on installation of updated settings and firewall rules.
CCFW\ContentProvides informational log files about the loading process of the Forwarding Firewall ruleset.
CCFW\SSLDisplays log files concerning SSL Inspection, notifies about the SSL Inspection progress and working state, and displays information and error logs in case of detections, errors, or certificate failures.
CCFW\authContains log files about opening, connection status, and closing of firewall sessions, displaying IP address and port of the connected clients and peers. Information is displayed in case of login failures, file requests, and transactions concerning fwauth, errors, or SSL certificate failures.
CCFW\sipproxyProvides log files concerning startup, activation of child processes, and socket opening of the SIP Proxy, and displays informational log files in case of network interface changes.


CCVPNContainer directory for VPN log files fed during VPN connections between the CC and the managed boxes.
CCVPN\CCVPNProvides informational log files about the status of VPN sessions, showing tunnel transport, keying, and updates, and displays notifications in case of tunnel and transport failure.
CCVPN\vpnstatContains information about the health state of open tunnels served by the tunnel server process.
CC-Configuration-ServiceCONFContainer directory for logs that are created by processes part of the Control Center's configuration system for managed boxes.
CONF\CONFContains information about configuration sessions that were initiated on the Control Center.

Contains information about login, authentication, and connection status of administrative sessions, displaying IP address and port, and shows the operative processes initiated by the administrative instance. Information relates to CC level.

CONF\boxupdateContains information about update processes that were initiated on managed boxes from the Control Center.
CONF\c3dContains information about configuration updates, state, and delivery of firmware updates between the Control Center and SCAs. In case no SCAs are connected, this log file is empty.
CONF\changesContains information about changes made on the Control Center that affect configuration of managed firewalls.
CONF\downloadContains information about downloads that were initiated on the Control Center.
CONF\execContains information about triggering the execution of external processes initiated by the Control Center.
CONF\licupdateContains information about license updates.
CONF\masterdContains information about the master daemon running on the Control Center.
CONF\softwarestatusContains information created by the software update daemon on the Control Center.
CONF\statusContains status information about the managed boxes.
CONF\syncContains information about synchronization processes.
CC-Event-ServiceEVENTContainer directory for logs that contain information about events.
EVENT\eventSContains information about security events. For more information, see Security Events.
EVENT\operativeContains information about operational events. For more information, see Operational Events.
CC-Statistic-CollectorSTCOLLContains information created by the engine responsible for collecting statistical information.
CC-Statistics-ViewerSTVIEWContains information created by the engine responsible for displaying statistical information.
CC-Syslog-ServiceSyslogContainer directory for logs that contain information about different processes and daemons that run with system privileges on CC level.
Syslog\SyslogContains system-related log information created by the syslog daemon on CC level.
Syslog\csslsrvContains system-related log information created by the SSL service daemon on CC level.
dstatsContains information collected from managed boxes by the daemon for statistics.

Contains information about authentication syncs, e.g., synchronization between Virus Scanner versions etc.