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Barracuda CloudGen Firewall


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To send emails from the CLI, use the mailclt utility. It is located at /opt/phion/bin. It is an internal mail client that you can use to distribute reports that are generated by specific services. For example, you can send reports that are generated by the Revision Control System.

List of all mailclt options:

[root@bart:/opt/phion/bin]# mailclt -f sender -r recipient -s subject -m mailserver-IP TEXT -a attachment -t textfile


The following sections provide more information on the options that you can use with mailclt.

-f <sender address>

Specifies the sender's email address.

-r <recipient address>

Specifies the recipient’s email address.

-s <subject>

Specifies the email subject.

-m <mail server IP address>

Specifies the IP address for the mail server.

-a <path to attachment>

Specifies the path and name for a file attachment.

-t <text file>

Specifies a text file.

without option

IP address, but not the MX record of a reachable SMTP server because DNS resolution is not supported by mailclt.

Example Usage

[root@bart:/]# /opt/phion/bin/mailclt -f -r -s "Mail Subject" -m "This is the email content" -a /home/username/image.gif -t /home/username/file.txt