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Barracuda CloudGen Access

Passwordless Deployment

  • Last updated on

To configure Microsoft 365 to use CloudGen Access as its Identity Provider, you need to federate a Microsoft account domain. To federate is to establish authentication and/or authorization trust of your domain with Microsoft. CloudGen Access will then be used to log into Microsoft 365. Follow the steps below or see to get started.

  • It is important to have a fallback method for accessing your Microsoft 365 account to prevent getting locked out. (i.e. a login with another domain such as, which generally comes with each Microsoft 365 account.) CloudGen Access will then be used to log into Microsoft 365.
  • To avoid an endless loop, if you have already created a Microsoft 365 resource, you cannot create a Microsoft open ID Connect resource. Alternatively, if you have already created a Microsoft open ID Connect resource, you cannot add a Microsoft 365 resource.

Before you begin

If an external Identity Provider will be used for authentication in CloudGen Access to log into Microsoft 365, configure one in Identity > Settings > Authentication Protocol (see How to Configure an Identity Provider). 


Important: Microsoft OpenID Connect or SAML 2.0 connected to Azure AD / Microsoft Entra ID will not work in combination with having CloudGen Access as an Identity Provider for Microsoft 365. If an external authentication provider has not been configured, the device/user will be authenticated via CloudGen Access against the certificate created during the enrollment.

CloudGen Access server information to use with domain configuration

You will need the SAML configuration information for Single Sign-On (SSO) configuration.

  1. Log into your CloudGen Access account. 
  2. If a Microsoft 365 resource has not been configured yet, create a new resource of the type SaaS with SAML as the SSO type and configure the SSO settings, either with the Metadata URL or manually (see Add Resource).
  3. Go to Access > Resources and click on the configured Microsoft 365 resource. Click View Server Settings under SSO configuration. This will also guide you through the domain federation process. 


  4. Click View Server Settings and follow the steps shown in the popup window.



    Tip: Click the Copy icon next to each command and paste them into a notepad to save them for later. They will be needed in the next steps.

  5. In Step 4 from the popup window shown above, enter the domain that you want to have secured via CGA (or for which you want to have CGA as an Identity Provider). Then copy the commands from Step 4 from the popup window. Copy the commands from step 5 as well.
  6. Click Done.

Federating your domain   

Note that federating your domain to authenticate with CloudGen Access will lead to all users part of that domain to be redirected to CloudGen Access to authenticate. If the users are not yet synced into CloudGen Access, then those users will not be able to log into Microsoft 365 after federating the domain; the login is forwarded to CloudGen Access, and if the user does not exist in CloudGen Access, it will not find the user. For testing purposes, it is recommended to set up a test domain in Microsoft Entra ID/ Azure AD and only add test users, and federate this test domain so it will not affect all users. Additionally, note that the default domain (Azure Naming) cannot be federated. The domain needs to be set as the default domain so that the custom domain can be federated.  

  1. Open PowerShell in Administrator mode.
  2. Install the MSOnline component with the following command: $Install-Module MSOnline  
  3. Authenticate with an admin account of your domain: Connect-MsolService
    It will prompt you for your account credentials.
  4. Paste the commands copied from step 3 of the popup View Server Settings window:
    Example values:
    • $dom = ""
    • $BrandName = "CGA IDP"
    • $LogOnUrl = ""
    • $LogOffUrl = ""
    • $MyURI = ""
    • $MySigningCert = "mycerthashvalue"
    • $Protocol = "SAMLP"
    • Set-MsolDomainAuthentication `
    • -DomainName $dom `
    • -FederationBrandName $BrandName `
    • -Authentication Federated `
    • -PassiveLogOnUri $LogOnUrl `
    • -LogOffUri $LogOffUrl `
    • -SigningCertificate $MySigningCert `
    • -IssuerUri $MyURI `
    • -PreferredAuthenticationProtocol $Protocol
  5. Confirm that the domain is now federated: Get-MsolDomain
    If the domain that is intended to be federated shows Federated next to it, the steps were successful. 
  6. Set an ImmutableID for your users that match to the NameID format that CloudGen Access sends (in this case, the email address).
    Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName [email] -ImmutableId [email]

         Tip: This can also be done with a small script as it needs to be done for all users.
         # Get all users on the domain
         $users = Get-MsolUser -All
         # Loop through each user and set the ImmutableID
         foreach ($user in $users) {
                    Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $user.UserPrincipalName -ImmutableId $user.UserPrincipalName
  7. To confirm the ImmutableID of a user, run: Get-msoluser -UserPrincipalName [email] | select ImmutableID
         Tip: This can also be done in a loop to print all immutable IDs at once, or use the following option.
         Run the following command to generate a CSV file containing immutable IDs:
      $onlineusers = Get-MsolUser -All | Select-Object UserprincipalName,ImmutableID,WhenCreated,LastDirSyncTime| Export-Csv c:\MyFile.csv -NoTypeInformation