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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

How to Uninstall (or Decommission) Barracuda RMM

  • Last updated on

All Barracuda RMM products include an automated uninstall routine using Windows native application management. You can use Programs and Features in modern versions of Windows or Add or Remove Programs in legacy versions to remove the applications. Uninstalling Barracuda RMM components in this way does not, however, eliminate all traces of the product.

This article will be a repository of how to remove components and applications deployed to and associated with Barracuda RMM.

You must uninstall third-party integrated applications such as Advanced Software Management, Avast Antivirus, Infrascale BDR, Premium Remote Control and Support Assistant. Some of these might be deployed on the end devices and must be removed.


Barracuda RMM Support Note

When decommissioning a site or your environment, please note that the following steps should be taken after removing the policies from the devices. Please review each associated KB, as some of these will have automated uninstall within them that could be useful to attempt to run. Any automated uninstall process that fails would need a local removal of that software or tool.

Removing Third Party Applications and Integrations from Barracuda RMM

Removing Barracuda RMM components (Hosted)

Removing Barracuda RMM components (On-Premise)

Barracuda RMM Support Note

If you intend to move a device (be that managed through an Onsite Manager or a Device Manager, is encouraged to remove all Barracuda RMM software from that device. This is both for ease of moving the device and to allow the onboarding process to be successful and so that data and information from another site does not accidentally move with the device and represent a possible data breach.