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Barracuda CloudGen Firewall

How to Switch from Policy Profiles (back) to Application Rules

  • Last updated on

Before You Begin

Switching from policy rules to application rules will not affect any of your access rules. However, note that all of your existing policy profiles will be lost when switching to application rules. When using them, you must reconfigure all of your former policy profiles to take effect in your application rules.

Generally, it is recommended to create a backup of your configuration before switching from policy rules to application rules in case you want to switch back to policy rules later.

On a Control Center, you can also create a copy of your configuration to a repository.

For more information, see Backups and Recovery and Repositories.

Switch from Policy Profiles (back) to Application Rules

  1. Go to CONFIGURATION > Configuration Tree > Box > Assigned Services > Firewall > Forwarding Rules.
  2. Right-click Forwarding Rules.
  3. In the list, select Lock.
  4. In the list, select Copy from Default. This will replace all relevant settings with those for the Application Rules.
  5. In the menu list, select Forwarding Application Rule Set.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Note the difference between the configuration nodes in the configuration tree:
    Configuration Nodes
    with Policy Profiles
    Configuration Nodes
    with Application Rules
  8. Click Send Changes / Activate.

Your firewall settings are now configured to use application rules instead of policy profiles.