Column | Type | Description |
DeviceGuid | uniqueidentifier | A unique identifier for the device. |
DeviceName | nvarchar(255) | The name of the device. |
IPAddresses | nvarchar | The IP addresses of the device. |
IsPowerManaged | nvarchar(3) | Identifies if Power Management is enabled for this device (Yes) or not (No). |
ChassisType | nvarchar(21) | Identifies the chassis type. |
LastDateofData | datetime | The last date and time the device's data was sampled. |
Up_as_percent | numeric | The up time of the device, as a percentage |
Down_as_percent | numeric | The down time of the device, as a percentage. |
Asleep_as_percent | numeric | The asleep time of the device, as a percentage. |
Unknown_as_percent | numeric | The time the power management state is unknown, as a percentage. |
UnexpectedShutdowns | int | The number of unexpected shutdowns. |