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Barracuda XDR

Barracuda XDR Release Notes — April 2023

  • Last updated on

The Barracuda XDR April release includes the integration of Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP) to our threat intelligence, full activities performed by users in Barracuda XDR dashboard are visible in the audit logs, and added visibility to any snoozing SentinelOne agents.

MISP Integration

This release expands our threat intelligence by integrating with MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform). MISP adds millions of IoCs (Indicators of Compromise) for XDR to compare against to actively find threats within a network.

New Audit Logs

This release introduces audit logs that track  all activities performed by users in the dashboard, regardless of their role. Audit logs are part of security best practices.

You can view, filter, and search the audit log by clicking Setup > Audit Log.

UI Enhancements for SentinelOne Agent Snooze

We have added additional visual cues and other enhancements help you identify more easily which SentinelOne agents are currently in snooze mode and how long those agents will be snoozing. The visual cues include a countdown timer and more.

Snoozing allows administrators to perform legitimate activities on the endpoints without having the agent interfere (e.g. backups or updates).