Column Name | Type | Nullable | Description |
deviceid | integer | No | Uniquely identifies the device |
siteid | integer | No | Uniquely identifies a site |
siteguid | unique-identifier | No | The GUID of the site |
deviceguid | unique-identifier | No | The GUID of the device |
description | string | No | A more detailed description of the device |
status | string | No | The status of the device |
omidentifier | integer | No | The identifier of the Onsite Manager that manages the device |
wmienabled | boolean | No | Identifies if WMI is enabled on the device |
wsmanenabled | boolean | No | Identifies if WSMan is enabled on the device |
snmpenabled | boolean | No | Identifies if SNMP is enabled on the device |
sshenabled | boolean | No | Identifies if SSH is enabled on the device |
sshname | string | Yes | The SSH name |
endoflife | datetime | Yes | The end of life for the device |
monitor | boolean | No | Identifies if the device is a monitor |
timecreated | boolean | No | The date and time the device was identified |
notes | text | Yes | Notes entered by the user who added the device |
inventorytag | string | Yes | An inventory identifier for the device |
physicalallocation | string | Yes | Identifies the physical memory allocation of the device |
activestate | string | No | Identifies the active state of the device |
amtenabled | boolean | No | Identifies if AMT is enabled on the device |
timestatuschanged | datetime | No | The date and time the device’s status last changed |
lastuptime | datetime | Yes | The last date and time the device was recorded as being up |
lastseentime | datetime | Yes | The last date and time the device was recorded as being seen |
lastcheckintime | datetime | No | The last date and time the device checked in |
omguid | unique-identifier | No | The GUID of the Onsite Manager that manages the device |
alias | string | Yes | An alias for the device |
computername | string | Yes | The computer name of the device |
snmpname | string | Yes | The SNMP name of the device |
netbiosname | string | Yes | The NetBIOS name for the device |
name | string | Yes | The name of the device |
ipaddresses | text | Yes | The IP addresses of the device |
isonsite | boolean | Yes | Identifies if the device is on site |
isrespondingtoarp | boolean | No | Identifies if the device responds to ARP |
identificationnamewithalias | text | Yes | If applicable, an identifying name for the device, with an alias for the device |
iscurrent | character | Yes | Not used |
Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace
formerly Managed Workplace