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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace


  • Last updated on

Click on the video below for an introduction to reports:


Delivering quality reports to customers is a key part of your service. Showing customers the value you provide through reports is essential to prove the worth of your business. They also help sell your services to potential customers.

Barracuda RMM comes with many site and device reports that are ready to use. For example, here are some popular reports:

Executive Summary Report Shows an overview of a site across Windows servers and workstations and includes a network health score, top problem devices, alert summary, work completed, and more.

Windows Server Health Shows descriptive information about a Windows server as well as its availability, disk space used, and various other performance counters for a specified time period. You must have active monitoring in place.

Work Completed Summary Shows the work (tickets closed, scripts executed, alerts cleared, and remote repairs) that has been performed on a site.

If you're running Barracuda RMM on Asian systems and reporting in Asian characters, you need to be running SQL 2008.

What You Can Do

You can:

  • Create your own user-defined reports for your own needs.
  • Filter the data you see in a report for a specific time period.
  • Organize your reports into categories.
  • Brand reports with your own logo.
  • Automatically email scheduled reports to staff and customers.
  • Install new reports and updates to existing reports.
  • Export reports to a variety of formats including PDF, HTML, and Microsoft Excel.

The Reports window lists all the reports that have been imported from the Barracuda RMM library. You can import more reports that you use frequently or install reports from the Update Center. You can also create new reports or modify existing reports.

Report Types

There are two types of reports in Barracuda RMM:

Site Reports Provides information about a site.

Device Reports Provides information about devices at a site.

In addition to these reports, there are also patch management reports that are generated within Service Center for viewing, but they cannot be exported.

Predefined Reports

A number of useful predefined reports come with Barracuda RMM. Predefined reports cannot be modified.

When you generate a report, either from a delivery schedule or manually as a preview, you must provide a time frame. However, some reports function by taking a snapshot of the information currently in the database, where timestamps are not recorded.

For example, anything that generates graphs will have the data tracked with time stamps. This includes network services, performance counter data, and summary counts of events or alerts.

But asset information for a device's hardware or software is not tracked with timestamps. Neither is information about the Service Center's monitoring configurations.

Predefined Aggregate Reports

Several predefined aggregate reports come with Barracuda RMM. Aggregate reports are multi-site or multi-Onsite Manager reports.

Use aggregate reports to monitor information from several sites in one report. For example, if your client has more than one Onsite Manager and you want to deliver one report covering all Onsite Managers versus separate reports for each Onsite Manager.

User-Defined Reports

You can create several reports for your own use. You can include a variety of report sections in your report and customize it just the way you need.