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Barracuda RMM
formerly Managed Workplace

Reinstall Device Manager locally (script)

  • Last updated on

Barracuda RMM Support Note

The following is a script method developed by the Barracuda RMM Support Team and tested as of September 2023; however, the team does not offer support for this method beyond these steps and availability. Please use it at your own risk.

This must be run locally and cannot be run with Barracuda RMM Remote Tools or Automation.

The attached script is intended for use at a local level on a device. It will look for an existing Device Manager installation, remove it and then install the Device Manager. If no Device Manager exists, it will still install. However, it requires some basic editing before it's used, so please read these directions.

  • Log into your Service Center

  • Go to Site Management on the Nav Menu

  • Select Sites

  • Then click on the site you wish to install a Device Manager on

  • Next, select Device Managers

  • Then expand Email

  • Select Windows Device Manager

  • When the email window appears, copy out the URL

  • Download the Script from here.

  • Edit the Script

  • Replace the words EMAIL DOWNLOAD URL HERE on Line 20 with the URL you copied

    • Leave the quotation marks so it looks like a URL in quotes

  • Save the script to C:\Temp

  • On the local device, open Powershell as Administrator

  • Browse to C:\Temp and run the script