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Barracuda MSP App

Task 10. Linking MSP Accounts to ConnectWise

  • Last updated on

To link MSP accounts to ConnectWise, perform the following steps.

  1. At the ConnectWise Manage Integrations page, select Accounts, and then select the account you want to link to ConnectWise.

    task 9.png

  2. Click the Link button.
    The Link Account pop-up is displayed.

    task 9.1.png

  3. Select the down arrow.
    The ConnectWise companies that you have added in ConnectWise are displayed.

    task 9.2.png
  4. Select the Company that you want to link the account to.
    The ConnectWise Company is displayed and the Confirm button is enabled.

    task 9.3.png

  5. Click the Confirm button.
    If the link is successfully made, the MSP Account is displayed in the Company (ConnectWise) column and the Link button in changed to Unlink.

    task 9 4.png

    Go to Task 11. Mapping Billing within the MSP App.