This article refers to the Barracuda ArchiveOne version 6.0 or higher.
Most operations performed by ArchiveOne, such as starting policies and user retrieval, are recorded in the audit log.
During configuration, you can select the server to host the Auditing service – typically this is the same server as the ArchiveOne service (the auditing service is installed with it) but you can specify an alternative server. You may want to do this if you have several ArchiveOne Enterprise products installed on different servers and want to centralize auditing.
Select the desired option:
- Audit to CSV files – Requires no extra service to be installed, but there are no supplied tools to process audit logs written to CSV files.
- Audit to a SQL Server – Uses the SQL Server configured during installation. You can then use the Web Administration website to search the audit logs.
You can change the way audit logs are stored (SQL to CSV or vice versa) but this does not transfer any existing log data from one store to the other. To do this, in ArchiveOne Admin, right-click Status, and then click Run System Configuration Wizard.
To control the degree of auditing, in ArchiveOne Admin, right-click Status, click Configuration, and then click the Audit level page. The advanced auditing level generates a lot of audit logging, for instance, several audit events for each message archived, so if you select this option Barracuda Networks recommends using full SQL Server, not SQL Server Express.