When an instance of ArchiveOne Admin views any part of the security configuration, it locks the configuration to prevent another instance of ArchiveOne Admin from viewing and changing the configuration, which can cause one set of changes to be overwritten by another.
If an instance of ArchiveOne Admin loses server connectivity or terminates unexpectedly while viewing one of the security configuration dialogs, this can cause the service to disallow any new instance of ArchiveOne Admin from viewing the configuration because the first instance is seen as running. If this happens, right-click the Roles and Users Node node, and click Clear lock.
Be aware of the following sets of files:
- The files SecRolesPerms.C2Croles and SecNodesObjects.C2Cusers stored in the installation subdirectory AOnePol_Security are the ArchiveOne Service’s master configuration files. The AOnePol_Security directory must be configured securely so that unauthorized users cannot change or remove them. If these files are deleted, the security configuration reverts to the installation default values.
- The files SecRolesPerms.C2Croles and SecNodesObjects.C2Cusers stored in the C2C Systems directory under the Application Data directory under the current user’s Documents and Settings directory are ArchiveOne Admin’s temporary cache of the security settings. They do not need to be secured, and can be deleted without compromising security. They are refreshed each time the user connects to the service.
An audit is maintained of every change made to the security configuration. For more information, see CSV and XML Data Files.