When you run a scheduled policy, a CSV file and an XML file are created containing the results of the policy run. They are called:
\\<Configuration server>\Add-ins\AOnePol\PolicyData\<policyname>\<policyname>_YYMMDDHHMM.csv
\\<Configuration server>\Add-ins\AOnePol\PolicyData\<policyname>\<policyname>_YYMMDDHHMM.xml
Where <policyname> is the name of the policy, and YYMMDDHHMM is the date, hour and minute of the run. The CSV file is the raw data file. To view the data, click View results on the Policies Nodenode.
When you run a policy using 'Start now' on the Policy Control page, a CSV file and an XML file are created containing the results of the policy run. They are called:
\\<Configuration server>\Add-ins\AOnePol\PolicyData\RunOnce\<name>$YYMMDDHHMMSS.csv
\\<Configuration server>\Add-ins\AOnePol\PolicyData\RunOnce\<name>$YYMMDDHHMMSS.xml
Where <name> is the name you entered when choosing which policies to run, and YYMMDDHHMMSS is the date and time of the run. The CSV file is the raw data file. To view the data, click View results on the Policy Control page.
A CSV file is written whenever ArchiveOne is run, which contains text descriptions of all configured policies (whether or not they are enabled or have been run). If you are extracting data from the policy result CSV files, you can cross-reference this CSV to give you a description of what was being searched for at the time. It is called:
\\<Configuration server>\Add-ins\AOnePol\PolicyData\PolicySummary.csv