This article refers to Barracuda ArchiveOne Enterprise version 6.0 or higher.
In some deployments, the ArchiveOne Service can run out of NSPI connections. This is due to a change in the operation of Microsoft's RPC layer code that is used when the ArchiveOne Service is connected to a Domain Controller to gather information about mailboxes. This change causes resources to be used up and incorrectly released. The resources eventually reach the limit, causing the RPC connections to fail.
If you encounter one or more of the following issues:
- Policies fail every few days and ArchiveOne displays the Unable to connect to Exchange error message until the service is restarted
- Retrievals begin failing for all users until the service is restarted
- Administration console connection to the ArchiveOne Server fails until the service is restarted
To reduce the frequency of this problem,
Raise the default number of allowed NSPI connections as described in the Microsoft Support NSPI Connection article.
Restart the ArchiveOne Service at regular intervals.