If a user is experiencing issues with PST processing, you may be directed by Barracuda Networks Technical Support to collect log files to troubleshoot the client machine.
Step 1. Run regedit
- On the client machine experiencing issues, run regedit to open the Registry Editor.
- Browse to the following location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\C2C Systems\PstProc\PstProc\Settings
Double-click the REG_DWORD key trace, and change its value to 2.
- Copy the folder path from the STRING value TracePath; this is the location where the client log file is to be generated. By default, the user's application data directory: C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Barracuda\AOnePol
- Close the Registry Editor.
- Close the PST Processor, and restart Outlook.
- Rerun the PST Processor to reproduce the error.
Step 2. Collect and Submit the Trace Logs
- Browse to the TracePath folder path noted in the previous set of steps.
- Find and zip the AOnePolPstTrace.log file in the directory, and email the trace file to your Support representative or upload the file to the FTP location provided by your Support representative.
Step 3. Reset the Tracing Level to Standard
- On the client machine, run regedit again to open the Registry Editor.
- Browse to the following location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\C2C Systems\PstProc\PstProc\Settings
- Double-click the REG_DWORD key Trace, and change the value to 0.
- Close the PST Processor.