This article refers to the Barracuda ArchiveOne for Files version 7.2.0 and higher.
Use the following steps if you need to move a repository to a different location or server:
- Schedule a down-time and notify users before moving a repository. You should ensure you have a full backup of the repository before making any changes.
- To ensure that none of your Agents are running policies that might archive data to the repository you are moving, open the Microsoft Services window, and right-click and then click Stop on both the ArchiveOne Data Processing Services: ArchiveOne Core Service and ArchiveOne Broker Service. This ensures that no Agent can upload any information to avoid copying only part of the data, leaving the repository in an inconsistent state.
Copy the entire contents of the Archive Data and Index Data directories that form the repository into the new location.
- Restart the ArchiveOne Data Processing Services.
- Go to the Repository node, and for the repository you just moved, edit the repository properties and update the directory locations to the new location.
The repository is now ready for use. Once you have completed a retrieval and archiving test to the new data location, you can remove the data from the old repository location to reclaim storage.