This article refers to the Barracuda ArchiveOne for Files version 7.2.0 and higher.
See Policies Node for additional information.
A policy is a collection of rules and supporting configuration data you define to perform a particular task. Policies are defined via the Management Console and executed by File Agents. Policies are the means by which you implement your archiving strategies within Barracuda ArchiveOne For Files. You can define as many or as few policies as you need to run them against any number of File Agents you deploy. When you construct a policy, you provide the following:
- Criteria used to identify items to process;
- Agents that are to execute the policy;
- Actions you wish performed;
- Repository used to store data;
- Optional schedule.
Policy Criteria
Policy criteria allows you to selectively choose which items you wish to process and which to ignore. Each type of criteria has a wide set of conditions that you can combine together to define the policy. For example, you use conditions such as is greater than and does not equal with numeric criteria.
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